
More error logging, please.
2014-01-18, Mark Doliner
More error logging, please.
$MODULE_NAME = "Buddy List Test";
use Purple;
# All the information Purple gets about our nifty plugin
perl_api_version => 2,
name => "Perl: $MODULE_NAME",
version => "0.1",
summary => "Test plugin for the Perl interpreter.",
description => "Implements a set of test proccedures to ensure all functions that work in the C API still work in the Perl plugin interface. As XSUBs are added, this *should* be updated to test the changes. Furthermore, this will function as the tutorial perl plugin.",
author => "John H. Kelm <johnhkelm\>",
url => "",
load => "plugin_load",
unload => "plugin_unload"
# These names must already exist
my $USERNAME = "johnhkelm2";
# We will create these on load then destroy them on unload
my $TEST_GROUP = "UConn Buddies";
my $TEST_NAME = "johnhkelm";
my $TEST_ALIAS = "John Kelm";
my $PROTOCOL_ID = "prpl-aim";
sub plugin_init {
return %PLUGIN_INFO;
# This is the sub defined in %PLUGIN_INFO to be called when the plugin is loaded
# Note: The plugin has a reference to itself on top of the argument stack.
sub plugin_load {
my $plugin = shift;
# This is how we get an account to use in the following tests. You should replace the username
# with an existing user
$account = Purple::Accounts::find($USERNAME, $PROTOCOL_ID);
# Testing a find function: Note Purple::Find not Purple::Buddy:find!
# Furthermore, this should work the same for chats and groups
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::Find::buddy()...");
$buddy = Purple::Find::buddy($account, $TEST_NAME);
Purple::Debug::info("", ($buddy ? "ok." : "fail.") . "\n");
# If you should need the handle for some reason, here is how you do it
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::BuddyList::get_handle()...");
$handle = Purple::BuddyList::get_handle();
Purple::Debug::info("", ($handle ? "ok." : "fail.") . "\n");
# This gets the Purple::BuddyList and references it by $blist
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::get_blist()...");
$blist = Purple::get_blist();
Purple::Debug::info("", ($blist ? "ok." : "fail.") . "\n");
# This is how you would add a buddy named $TEST_NAME" with the alias $TEST_ALIAS
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::BuddyList::Buddy::new...");
$buddy = Purple::BuddyList::Buddy::new($account, $TEST_NAME, $TEST_ALIAS);
Purple::Debug::info("", ($buddy ? "ok." : "fail.") . "\n");
# Here we add the new buddy '$buddy' to the group $TEST_GROUP
# so first we must find the group
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::Find::group...");
$group = Purple::Find::group($TEST_GROUP);
Purple::Debug::info("", ($group ? "ok." : "fail.") . "\n");
# To add the buddy we need to have the buddy, contact, group and node for insertion.
# For this example we can let contact be undef and set the insertion node as the group
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::BuddyList::add_buddy...\n");
Purple::BuddyList::add_buddy($buddy, undef, $group, $group);
# The example that follows gives an indication of how an API call that returns a list is handled.
# In this case the buddies of the account found earlier are retrieved and put in an array '@buddy_array'
# Further down an accessor method is used, 'get_name()' -- see source for details on the full set of methods
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Testing: Purple::Find::buddies...\n");
@buddy_array = Purple::Find::buddies($account, undef);
if (@buddy_array) {
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, "Buddies in list (" . @buddy_array . "): \n");
foreach $bud (@buddy_array) {
Purple::Debug::info($MODULE_NAME, Purple::BuddyList::Buddy::get_name($bud) . "\n");
sub plugin_unload {
my $plugin = shift;
print "#" x 80 . "\n\n";
######### TEST CODE HERE ##########
print "Testing: Purple::Find::buddy()...";
$buddy = Purple::Find::buddy($account, $TEST_NAME . TEST);
if ($buddy) {
print "ok.\n";
print "Testing: Purple::BuddyList::remove_buddy()...";
if (Purple::Find::buddy($account, $TEST_NAME . TEST)) { print "fail.\n"; } else { print "ok.\n"; }
} else { print "fail.\n"; }
print "\n\n" . "#" x 80 . "\n\n";