
A handful of random cleanups in PidginConversation and PidginConvWindow

Testing Done:
Built and ran locally.

Reviewed at
* Purple - Internet Messaging Library
* Copyright (C) Pidgin Developers <>
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <purple.h>
#include "zephyr_html.h"
typedef struct _zframe zframe;
struct _zframe {
/* common part */
/* true for everything but @color, since inside the parens of that one is
* the color. */
gboolean has_closer;
/* </i>, </font>, </b>, etc. */
const char *closing;
/* text including the opening html thingie. */
GString *text;
/* html_to_zephyr */
/* @i, @b, etc. */
const char *env;
/* }=1, ]=2, )=4, >=8 */
int closer_mask;
/* href for links */
gboolean is_href;
GString *href;
/* zephyr_to_html */
/* }, ], ), > */
char *closer;
static zframe *
zframe_new_with_text(const gchar *text, const gchar *closing, gboolean has_closer)
zframe *frame = g_new(zframe, 1);
frame->text = g_string_new(text);
frame->closing = closing;
frame->has_closer = has_closer;
return frame;
static inline zframe *
zframe_new(const gchar *closing, gboolean has_closer)
return zframe_new_with_text("", closing, has_closer);
static gboolean
zframe_href_has_prefix(const zframe *frame, const gchar *prefix)
gsize prefix_len = strlen(prefix);
return (frame->href->len == (prefix_len + frame->text->len)) &&
!strncmp(frame->href->str, prefix, prefix_len) &&
purple_strequal(frame->href->str + prefix_len, frame->text->str);
static gsize
html_to_zephyr_pop(GQueue *frames)
zframe *popped = (zframe *)g_queue_pop_head(frames);
zframe *head = (zframe *)g_queue_peek_head(frames);
gsize result = strlen(popped->closing);
if (popped->is_href) {
head->href = popped->text;
} else {
g_string_append(head->text, popped->env);
if (popped->has_closer) {
(popped->closer_mask & 1) ? '{' :
(popped->closer_mask & 2) ? '[' :
(popped->closer_mask & 4) ? '(' :
g_string_append(head->text, popped->text->str);
if (popped->href) {
if (!purple_strequal(popped->href->str, popped->text->str) &&
!zframe_href_has_prefix(popped, "http://") &&
!zframe_href_has_prefix(popped, "mailto:")) {
g_string_append(head->text, " <");
g_string_append(head->text, popped->href->str);
if (popped->closer_mask & ~8) {
g_string_append_c(head->text, '>');
popped->closer_mask &= ~8;
} else {
g_string_append(head->text, "@{>}");
g_string_free(popped->href, TRUE);
if (popped->has_closer) {
(popped->closer_mask & 1) ? '}' :
(popped->closer_mask & 2) ? ']' :
(popped->closer_mask & 4) ? ')' :
if (!popped->has_closer) {
head->closer_mask = popped->closer_mask;
g_string_free(popped->text, TRUE);
return result;
char *
html_to_zephyr(const char *message)
GQueue frames = G_QUEUE_INIT;
zframe *frame, *new_f;
char *ret;
if (*message == '\0')
return g_strdup("");
frame = zframe_new(NULL, FALSE);
frame->href = NULL;
frame->is_href = FALSE;
frame->env = "";
frame->closer_mask = 15;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, frame);
purple_debug_info("zephyr", "html received %s\n", message);
while (*message) {
frame = (zframe *)g_queue_peek_head(&frames);
if (frame->closing && purple_str_has_caseprefix(message, frame->closing)) {
message += html_to_zephyr_pop(&frames);
} else if (*message == '<') {
if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message + 1, "i>", 2)) {
new_f = zframe_new("</i>", TRUE);
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = FALSE;
new_f->env = "@i";
new_f->closer_mask = 15;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
message += 3;
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message + 1, "b>", 2)) {
new_f = zframe_new("</b>", TRUE);
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = FALSE;
new_f->env = "@b";
new_f->closer_mask = 15;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
message += 3;
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message + 1, "br>", 3)) {
g_string_append_c(frame->text, '\n');
message += 4;
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message + 1, "a href=\"", 8)) {
message += 9;
new_f = zframe_new("</a>", FALSE);
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = FALSE;
new_f->env = "";
new_f->closer_mask = frame->closer_mask;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
new_f = zframe_new("\">", FALSE);
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = TRUE;
new_f->closer_mask = frame->closer_mask;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message + 1, "font", 4)) {
new_f = zframe_new("</font>", TRUE);
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = FALSE;
new_f->closer_mask = 15;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
message += 5;
while (*message == ' ') {
if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message, "color=\"", 7)) {
message += 7;
new_f->env = "@";
new_f = zframe_new("\">", TRUE);
new_f->env = "@color";
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = FALSE;
new_f->closer_mask = 15;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message, "face=\"", 6)) {
message += 6;
new_f->env = "@";
new_f = zframe_new("\">", TRUE);
new_f->env = "@font";
new_f->href = NULL;
new_f->is_href = FALSE;
new_f->closer_mask = 15;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message, "size=\"", 6)) {
message += 6;
if ((*message == '1') || (*message == '2')) {
new_f->env = "@small";
} else if ((*message == '3') || (*message == '4')) {
new_f->env = "@medium";
} else if ((*message == '5') || (*message == '6')
|| (*message == '7')) {
new_f->env = "@large";
} else {
new_f->env = "";
new_f->has_closer = FALSE;
new_f->closer_mask = frame->closer_mask;
message += 3;
} else {
/* Drop all unrecognized/misparsed font tags */
new_f->env = "";
new_f->has_closer = FALSE;
new_f->closer_mask = frame->closer_mask;
while (g_ascii_strncasecmp(message, "\">", 2) != 0) {
if (*message != '\0') {
message += 2;
} else {
/* Catch all for all unrecognized/misparsed <foo> tage */
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
} else if (*message == '@') {
g_string_append(frame->text, "@@");
} else if (*message == '}') {
if (frame->closer_mask & ~1) {
frame->closer_mask &= ~1;
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
} else {
g_string_append(frame->text, "@[}]");
} else if (*message == ']') {
if (frame->closer_mask & ~2) {
frame->closer_mask &= ~2;
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
} else {
g_string_append(frame->text, "@{]}");
} else if (*message == ')') {
if (frame->closer_mask & ~4) {
frame->closer_mask &= ~4;
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
} else {
g_string_append(frame->text, "@{)}");
} else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message, "&gt;", 4)) {
if (frame->closer_mask & ~8) {
frame->closer_mask &= ~8;
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
} else {
g_string_append(frame->text, "@{>}");
message += 4;
} else {
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
frame = (zframe *)g_queue_pop_head(&frames);
ret = g_string_free(frame->text, FALSE);
purple_debug_info("zephyr", "zephyr outputted %s\n", ret);
return ret;
static void
zephyr_to_html_pop(GQueue *frames, gboolean *last_had_closer)
zframe *popped = (zframe *)g_queue_pop_head(frames);
zframe *head = (zframe *)g_queue_peek_head(frames);
g_string_append(head->text, popped->text->str);
g_string_append(head->text, popped->closing);
if (last_had_closer != NULL) {
*last_had_closer = popped->has_closer;
g_string_free(popped->text, TRUE);
char *
zephyr_to_html(const char *message)
GQueue frames = G_QUEUE_INIT;
zframe *frame;
char *ret;
frame = zframe_new("", FALSE);
frame->closer = NULL;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, frame);
while (*message) {
frame = (zframe *)g_queue_peek_head(&frames);
if (*message == '@' && message[1] == '@') {
g_string_append(frame->text, "@");
message += 2;
} else if (*message == '@') {
int end = 1;
while (message[end] && (isalnum(message[end]) || message[end] == '_')) {
if (message[end] &&
(message[end] == '{' || message[end] == '[' || message[end] == '(' ||
!g_ascii_strncasecmp(message + end, "&lt;", 4))) {
zframe *new_f;
char *buf;
char *closer;
buf = g_new0(char, end);
g_snprintf(buf, end, "%s", message + 1);
message += end;
closer = (*message == '{' ? "}" :
*message == '[' ? "]" :
*message == '(' ? ")" :
message += (*message == '&' ? 4 : 1);
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "italic") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "i")) {
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<i>", "</i>", TRUE);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "small")) {
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<font size=\"1\">", "</font>", TRUE);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "medium")) {
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<font size=\"3\">", "</font>", TRUE);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "large")) {
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<font size=\"7\">", "</font>", TRUE);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "bold")
|| !g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "b")) {
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<b>", "</b>", TRUE);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "font")) {
zframe *extra_f;
extra_f = zframe_new("</font>", FALSE);
extra_f->closer = frame->closer;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, extra_f);
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<font face=\"", "\">", TRUE);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(buf, "color")) {
zframe *extra_f;
extra_f = zframe_new("</font>", FALSE);
extra_f->closer = frame->closer;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, extra_f);
new_f = zframe_new_with_text("<font color=\"", "\">", TRUE);
} else {
new_f = zframe_new("", TRUE);
new_f->closer = closer;
g_queue_push_head(&frames, new_f);
} else {
/* Not a formatting tag, add the character as normal. */
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
} else if (frame->closer && purple_str_has_caseprefix(message, frame->closer)) {
message += strlen(frame->closer);
if (g_queue_get_length(&frames) > 1) {
gboolean last_had_closer;
do {
zephyr_to_html_pop(&frames, &last_had_closer);
} while (g_queue_get_length(&frames) > 1 && !last_had_closer);
} else {
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message);
} else if (*message == '\n') {
g_string_append(frame->text, "<br>");
} else {
g_string_append_c(frame->text, *message++);
/* go through all the stuff that they didn't close */
while (g_queue_get_length(&frames) > 1) {
zephyr_to_html_pop(&frames, NULL);
frame = (zframe *)g_queue_pop_head(&frames);
ret = g_string_free(frame->text, FALSE);
return ret;