
Add the cpu, cpu_family, and endianness of the host machine to the about dialog

Also added the Adwaita version as that'll be handy too.

Testing Done:
Opend the about box and verified there weren't any warnings and that all of the data looked accurate.

Reviewed at
Title: Buddy List Signals
Slug: buddy-list-signals
## Buddy List Signals
### Signal List
* [buddy-status-changed](#buddy-status-changed)
* [buddy-idle-changed](#buddy-idle-changed)
* [buddy-signed-on](#buddy-signed-on)
* [buddy-signed-off](#buddy-signed-off)
* [update-idle](#update-idle)
* [blist-node-extended-menu](#blist-node-extended-menu)
* [buddy-icon-changed](#buddy-icon-changed)
* [blist-node-aliased](#blist-node-aliased)
* [buddy-caps-changed](#buddy-caps-changed)
* [ui-caps-changed](#ui-caps-changed)
### Signal Details
#### buddy-status-changed
void user_function(PurpleBuddy *buddy,
PurpleStatus *old_status,
PurpleStatus *status,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list goes away.
: The buddy whose status changed.
: The status that the buddy just changed from.
: The status that the buddy just changed to.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### buddy-idle-changed
void user_function(PurpleBuddy *buddy,
gboolean old_idle,
gboolean idle,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list becomes idle.
: The buddy whose idle status changed.
: Whether the buddy was idle.
: Whether the buddy is currently idle.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### buddy-signed-on
void user_function(PurpleBuddy *buddy, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list signs on.
: The buddy that signed on.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### buddy-signed-off
void user_function(PurpleBuddy *buddy, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list signs off.
: The buddy that signed off.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### update-idle
void user_function(gpointer user_data);
Emitted when the buddy list is refreshed and the idle times are updated.
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### blist-node-extended-menu
void user_function(PurpleBlistNode *node, GList **menu, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a buddylist menu is being constructed `menu` is a pointer to a
GList of PurpleMenuAction's allowing a plugin to add menu items.
#### blist-node-added
void user_function(PurpleBlistNode *node, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a new blist node is added to the buddy list.
#### blist-node-removed
void user_function(PurpleBlistNode *node, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a blist node is removed from the buddy list.
#### buddy-icon-changed
void user_function(PurpleBuddy *buddy, gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a buddy's icon is set.
#### blist-node-aliased
void user_function(PurpleBlistNode *node,
const gchar *old_alias,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted when a blist node (buddy, chat, or contact) is aliased.
#### buddy-caps-changed
void user_function(PurpleBuddy *buddy,
PurpleMediaCaps newcaps,
PurpleMediaCaps oldcaps,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted when updating a buddy's media capabilities.
: The buddy.
: .
: .
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.
#### ui-caps-changed
void user_function(PurpleMediaCaps newcaps,
PurpleMediaCaps oldcaps,
gpointer user_data);
Emitted when updating the media capabilities of the UI.
: .
: .
: user data set when the signal handler was connected.