
GSoC History API including sqlite history adapter

The History API has been created to drive all message handling in purple3. It will be used to update existing messages for edits, reactions, pinning, read/deliver receipts, etc. The API uses an adapter pattern, to abstract out backends, but provides a SQLite3 backend by default.

It also provides search capabilities using a custom query language that can easily be expanded over time. It will be use by both the end user to search messages and the frontends to implement features like a pinned messages button. A command line utility is also provided for searching outside of the program itself.

## Remaining Items

**These all will most likely be done by the Pidgin core team after GSoC when we figure out exactly how to solve them.**

Need to store database in purple config directory
* Gary has spent some time looking at this and it looks like the purple-history cli will need to become a purple-ui to make this work write as in the future other adapters will be plugins.

Other things to consider:
- For simplicity, the SqliteHistoryAdapter is parsing the query itself, but for consistency having `PurpleHistoryAdapter` parse the query and pass tokens to the subclass might be something we want to do.

Testing Done:
## Unit Tests
History Manager
History Adapter

## Integration Tests
purplehistorycore created for integration tests.
PurpleSqliteHistoryAdapter functionality tested:
- Creates proper db schema
- Writes logs
- Reads logs
- Queries using query language
- Deletes using query language

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17526, PIDGIN-17532, PIDGIN-17533, PIDGIN-17534

Reviewed at
/* purple
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
# error "only <purple.h> may be included directly"
* SECTION:image
* @include:image.h
* @section_id: libpurple-image
* @short_description: implementation-independent image data container
* @title: Images
* #PurpleImage object is a container for raw image data. It doesn't manipulate
* image data, just stores it in its binary format - png, jpeg etc. Thus, it's
* totally independent from the UI.
* This class also provides certain file-related features, like: friendly
* filenames (not necessarily real filename for displaying); remote images
* (which data is not yet loaded) or guessing file format from its header.
#include <glib-object.h>
* The standard _get_type macro for #PurpleImage.
#define PURPLE_TYPE_IMAGE purple_image_get_type()
struct _PurpleImageClass {
/*< private >*/
GObjectClass parent_class;
void (*purple_reserved1)(void);
void (*purple_reserved2)(void);
void (*purple_reserved3)(void);
void (*purple_reserved4)(void);
* purple_image_get_type:
* Returns: the #GType for an image.
G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE(PurpleImage, purple_image, PURPLE, IMAGE, GObject)
* purple_image_new_from_bytes:
* @bytes: (transfer none): A #GBytes containing the raw image data.
* Loads a raw image data as a new #PurpleImage object.
* Returns: the new #PurpleImage.
PurpleImage *purple_image_new_from_bytes(GBytes *bytes);
* purple_image_new_from_file:
* @path: the path to the image file.
* @error: (optional) (out): An optional return address for a #GError
* Loads an image file as a new #PurpleImage object. The @path must exists, be
* readable and should point to a valid image file. If you don't set @be_eager
* parameter, there will be a risk that file will be removed from disk before
* you access its data.
* Returns: the new #PurpleImage.
PurpleImage *purple_image_new_from_file(const gchar *path, GError **error);
* purple_image_new_from_data:
* @data: the pointer to the image data buffer.
* @length: the length of @data.
* Creates a new #PurpleImage object with contents of @data buffer.
* The @data buffer is owned by #PurpleImage object, so you might want
* to g_memdup2() it first.
* Returns: the new #PurpleImage.
PurpleImage *purple_image_new_from_data(const guint8 *data, gsize length);
* purple_image_new_take_data:
* @data: (transfer full): the pointer to the image data buffer.
* @length: the length of @data.
* Creates a new #PurpleImage object with contents of @data buffer.
* The @data buffer is owned by #PurpleImage object, so you might want
* to g_memdup2() it first.
* Returns: the new #PurpleImage.
PurpleImage *purple_image_new_take_data(guint8 *data, gsize length);
* purple_image_save:
* @image: the image.
* @path: destination of a saved image file.
* Saves an @image to the disk.
* Returns: %TRUE if succeeded, %FALSE otherwise.
gboolean purple_image_save(PurpleImage *image, const gchar *path);
* purple_image_get_contents:
* @image: The #PurpleImage.
* Returns a new reference to the #GBytes that contains the image data.
* Returns: (transfer full): A #GBytes containing the image data.
GBytes *purple_image_get_contents(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_get_path:
* @image: the image.
* Returns the physical path of the @image file. It is set only, if the @image is
* really backed by an existing file. In the other case it returns %NULL.
* Returns: the physical path of the @image, or %NULL.
const gchar *purple_image_get_path(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_get_data_size:
* @image: the image.
* Returns the size of @image's data.
* Returns: the size of data, or 0 in case of failure.
gsize purple_image_get_data_size(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_get_data:
* @image: the image.
* Returns the pointer to the buffer containing image data.
* Returns: (transfer none): the @image data.
gconstpointer purple_image_get_data(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_get_extension:
* @image: the image.
* Guesses the @image format based on its contents.
* Returns: (transfer none): the file extension suitable for @image format.
const gchar *purple_image_get_extension(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_get_mimetype:
* @image: the image.
* Guesses the @image mime-type based on its contents.
* Returns: (transfer none): the mime-type suitable for @image format.
const gchar *purple_image_get_mimetype(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_generate_filename:
* @image: the image.
* Calculates almost-unique filename by computing checksum from file contents
* and appending a suitable extension. You should not assume the checksum
* is SHA-1, because it may change in the future.
* Returns: (transfer none): the generated file name.
const gchar *purple_image_generate_filename(PurpleImage *image);
* purple_image_set_friendly_filename:
* @image: the image.
* @filename: the friendly filename.
* Sets the "friendly filename" for the @image. This don't have to be a real
* name, because it's used for displaying or as a default file name when the
* user wants to save the @image to the disk.
* The provided @filename may either be a full path, or contain
* filesystem-unfriendly characters, because it will be reformatted.
void purple_image_set_friendly_filename(PurpleImage *image, const gchar *filename);
* purple_image_get_friendly_filename:
* @image: the image.
* Returns the "friendly filename" for the @image, to be displayed or used as
* a default name when saving a file to the disk.
* See #purple_image_set_friendly_filename.
* If the friendly filename was not set, it will be generated with
* #purple_image_generate_filename.
* Returns: (transfer none): the friendly filename.
const gchar *purple_image_get_friendly_filename(PurpleImage *image);
#endif /* PURPLE_IMAGE_H */