
Remove the oscar protocol plugin from po/
release-2.x.y v2.14.3
2021-04-08, Gary Kramlich
Remove the oscar protocol plugin from po/

Testing Done:
Ran `make dist` successfully.

Reviewed at
/** @page imgstore-signals Image Store Signals
@signal image-deleting
@see imgstore.h
@signaldef image-deleting
char *(*image_deleting)(const PurpleStoredImage *img);
Emitted when a #PurpleStoredImage is about to be destroyed. This allows
for what amounts to weak references. Code can hold onto a pointer to
the PurpleStoredImage without actually "holding" a reference. They can
then use a signal handler to let them know when their img is about to
be destroyed.
@param img The image about to be destroyed.
@note It's not possible to purple_imgstore_ref() img to save it.
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