
Implement SNI support for the gnutls SSL plugin.
2019-12-16, Mihai Moldovan
Implement SNI support for the gnutls SSL plugin.

Note that gnutls is picky in regard to what it accepts as the server name - it
MUST be a domain name. IP addresses are not supported according to the

Hence, filter out IP addresses and hope that whatever is not recognized as
such an address is actually a domain name. This will probably fail for more
exotic addresses (especially in IPv6 realm), but wiring up a full-blown parser
is too much effort and SSL plugins are not part of purple-3 anyway.

Fixes #17300
/* XPM */
static char * arrow_right_xpm[] = {
"16 13 30 1",
" c None",
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"{ c #C2A0BE",
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"^ c #A787A8",
"/ c #5E3667",
"( c #D3BBD0",
"_ c #D4BDD2",
": c #AE81A9",
"< c #C7A8C3",
"[ c #BB9FBB",
"} c #603A6A",
"| c #C7A7C3",
"1 c #BDA1BC",
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