
Implement SNI support for the gnutls SSL plugin.
2019-12-16, Mihai Moldovan
Implement SNI support for the gnutls SSL plugin.

Note that gnutls is picky in regard to what it accepts as the server name - it
MUST be a domain name. IP addresses are not supported according to the

Hence, filter out IP addresses and hope that whatever is not recognized as
such an address is actually a domain name. This will probably fail for more
exotic addresses (especially in IPv6 realm), but wiring up a full-blown parser
is too much effort and SSL plugins are not part of purple-3 anyway.

Fixes #17300
#include <string.h>
#include "tests.h"
#include "../protocols/oscar/oscar.h"
size_t i;
const char *good[] = {
" TesT",
"test ",
" T E s T "
const char *bad[] = {
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(good); i++) {
ck_assert_int_eq(0, oscar_util_name_compare("test", good[i]));
ck_assert_int_eq(0, oscar_util_name_compare(good[i], "test"));
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(bad); i++) {
ck_assert_int_ne(0, oscar_util_name_compare("test", bad[i]));
ck_assert_int_ne(0, oscar_util_name_compare(bad[i], "test"));
Suite *oscar_util_suite(void)
Suite *s;
TCase *tc;
s = suite_create("OSCAR Utility Functions");
tc = tcase_create("Convert IM from network format to HTML");
tcase_add_test(tc, test_oscar_util_name_compare);
suite_add_tcase(s, tc);
return s;