
Fix online help link.

2020-07-01, Alejandro Garcia <>
Fix online help link.

The "Help Online" button on Pidgin 3 is broken, when you click on it, it sends you to [https://pidgin.imhelp/](https://pidgin.imhelp/) instead of [](

On prior releases (at least on 2.x.y) the `PURPLE_WEBSITE` constant was defined as []( but in Pidgin 3 it's defined as [](

That's why ` purple_notify_uri(NULL, PURPLE_WEBSITE "help"); ` send us to [https://pidgin.imhelp](https://pidgin.imhelp).

Changing `purple_notify_uri(NULL, PURPLE_WEBSITE "help");` to `purple_notify_uri(NULL, PURPLE_WEBSITE "/help");` could help, however I decided to change the value of `-DPURPLE_WEBSITE` to be persistent with prior releases.

Reviewed at
i18n = import('i18n')
args : '--from-code=utf-8',
install : get_option('nls'),