
Revert the wrap-file change as it breaks our ability to use gi-docgen with subprojects

Using wrap-file causes the build directory to have the first path from the archive that was extracted. Normally this isn't a problem, but to use `gi-docgen` with our subproject we need to a `--add-include-dir` to `gi-docgen` which means we need to have a known path. These directories with the version number in them would then have to be updated for every `gi-docgen` call every time we update one of these dependencies.

This is a nightmare, so for the packages we do this for, we will continue using `wrap-hg` or `wrap-git` so that can can control the name of the directory for the subproject in the build directory.

Testing Done:
Build the docs many times while making sure my `$topsrcdir/subprojects` directory only had wrap files.

Reviewed at
if kwallet.found()
kwallet_moc = qt5.preprocess(
moc_headers: 'purplekwallet.h',
dependencies: qt5_dep,
kwallet_sources = [
kwallet_plugin = library('purplekwallet', kwallet_sources,
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Purple-KWalletKeyring"'],
dependencies : [kwallet, qt5_dep, libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
devenv.append('PURPLE_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())