
Revert the wrap-file change as it breaks our ability to use gi-docgen with subprojects

Using wrap-file causes the build directory to have the first path from the archive that was extracted. Normally this isn't a problem, but to use `gi-docgen` with our subproject we need to a `--add-include-dir` to `gi-docgen` which means we need to have a known path. These directories with the version number in them would then have to be updated for every `gi-docgen` call every time we update one of these dependencies.

This is a nightmare, so for the packages we do this for, we will continue using `wrap-hg` or `wrap-git` so that can can control the name of the directory for the subproject in the build directory.

Testing Done:
Build the docs many times while making sure my `$topsrcdir/subprojects` directory only had wrap files.

Reviewed at
pidgin_man = configure_file(
input : '',
output : 'pidgin3.1',
configuration : man_conf,
install : true,
install_dir : get_option('mandir') / 'man1')
if enable_consoleui
finch_man = configure_file(
input : '',
output : 'finch3.1',
configuration : man_conf,
install : true,
install_dir : get_option('mandir') / 'man1')