
Remove the docklet

2019-11-15, Gary Kramlich
Remove the docklet
* purple
* Copyright (C) 2005 Thomas Butter <>
* hashing done according to description of NTLM on
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
#include "internal.h"
#include <purple.h>
#include "ntlm.h"
#include <nettle/des.h>
#include <nettle/md4.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NTLM_NEGOTIATE_NTLM2_KEY 0x00080000
struct type2_message {
guint8 protocol[8]; /* 'N', 'T', 'L', 'M', 'S', 'S', 'P', '\0'*/
guint32 type; /* 0x00000002 */
guint32 zero;
guint16 msg_len1; /* target name length */
guint16 msg_len2; /* target name length */
guint32 flags; /* 0x00008201 */
guint8 nonce[8]; /* nonce */
guint8 context[8];
struct type3_message {
guint8 protocol[8]; /* 'N', 'T', 'L', 'M', 'S', 'S', 'P', '\0'*/
guint32 type; /* 0x00000003 */
guint16 lm_resp_len1; /* LanManager response length (always 0x18)*/
guint16 lm_resp_len2; /* LanManager response length (always 0x18)*/
guint32 lm_resp_off; /* LanManager response offset */
guint16 nt_resp_len1; /* NT response length (always 0x18) */
guint16 nt_resp_len2; /* NT response length (always 0x18) */
guint32 nt_resp_off; /* NT response offset */
guint16 dom_len1; /* domain string length */
guint16 dom_len2; /* domain string length */
guint32 dom_off; /* domain string offset (always 0x00000040) */
guint16 user_len1; /* username string length */
guint16 user_len2; /* username string length */
guint32 user_off; /* username string offset */
guint16 host_len1; /* host string length */
guint16 host_len2; /* host string length */
guint32 host_off; /* host string offset */
guint16 sess_len1;
guint16 sess_len2;
guint32 sess_off; /* message length */
guint32 flags; /* 0x00008201 */
/* guint32 flags2; */ /* unknown, used in windows messenger */
/* guint32 flags3; */
guint8 *
purple_ntlm_parse_type2(const gchar *type2, guint32 *flags)
gsize retlen;
guchar *buff;
struct type2_message tmsg;
static guint8 nonce[8];
buff = g_base64_decode(type2, &retlen);
if (buff != NULL && retlen >= (sizeof(struct type2_message) - 1)) {
memcpy(&tmsg, buff, MIN(retlen, sizeof(tmsg)));
memcpy(nonce, tmsg.nonce, 8);
if (flags != NULL)
*flags = GUINT16_FROM_LE(tmsg.flags);
} else {
purple_debug_error("ntlm", "Unable to parse type2 message - returning empty nonce.\n");
memset(nonce, 0, 8);
return nonce;
* Create a 64bit DES key by taking a 56bit key and adding
* a parity bit after every 7th bit.
static void
setup_des_key(const guint8 key_56[], guint8 *key)
key[0] = key_56[0];
key[1] = ((key_56[0] << 7) & 0xFF) | (key_56[1] >> 1);
key[2] = ((key_56[1] << 6) & 0xFF) | (key_56[2] >> 2);
key[3] = ((key_56[2] << 5) & 0xFF) | (key_56[3] >> 3);
key[4] = ((key_56[3] << 4) & 0xFF) | (key_56[4] >> 4);
key[5] = ((key_56[4] << 3) & 0xFF) | (key_56[5] >> 5);
key[6] = ((key_56[5] << 2) & 0xFF) | (key_56[6] >> 6);
key[7] = (key_56[6] << 1) & 0xFF;
* helper function for des encryption
static void
des_ecb_encrypt(const guint8 *plaintext, guint8 *result, const guint8 *key)
struct des_ctx ctx;
des_set_key(&ctx, key);
des_encrypt(&ctx, DES_BLOCK_SIZE, result, plaintext);
* takes a 21 byte array and treats it as 3 56-bit DES keys. The
* 8 byte plaintext is encrypted with each key and the resulting 24
* bytes are stored in the results array.
static void
calc_resp(guint8 *keys, const guint8 *plaintext, unsigned char *results)
guint8 key[8];
setup_des_key(keys, key);
des_ecb_encrypt(plaintext, results, key);
setup_des_key(keys + 7, key);
des_ecb_encrypt(plaintext, results + 8, key);
setup_des_key(keys + 14, key);
des_ecb_encrypt(plaintext, results + 16, key);
* TODO: We think we should be using cryptographically secure random numbers
* here. We think the rand() function is probably bad. We think
* /dev/urandom is a step up, but using a random function from an SSL
* library would probably be best. In Windows we could possibly also
* use CryptGenRandom.
static void
gensesskey(char *buffer)
int fd;
int i;
ssize_t red = 0;
fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0) {
red = read(fd, buffer, 16);
if (red < 0) {
purple_debug_warning("ntlm", "Error reading from /dev/urandom: %s."
" Falling back to inferior method.\n", g_strerror(errno));
red = 0;
} else if (red < 16) {
purple_debug_warning("ntlm", "Tried reading 16 bytes from "
"/dev/urandom but only got %"
G_GSSIZE_FORMAT ". Falling back to "
"inferior method\n", (gssize)red);
} else {
purple_debug_warning("ntlm", "Error opening /dev/urandom: %s."
" Falling back to inferior method.\n", g_strerror(errno));
for (i = red; i < 16; i++) {
buffer[i] = (char)(g_random_int() & 0xff);
#endif /* HAVE_NETTLE */
gchar *
purple_ntlm_gen_type3(const gchar *username, const gchar *passw, const gchar *hostname, const gchar *domain, const guint8 *nonce, guint32 *flags)
char lm_pw[14];
unsigned char lm_hpw[21];
char sesskey[16];
guint8 key[8];
int domainlen;
int usernamelen;
int hostnamelen;
int msglen;
struct type3_message *tmsg;
int passwlen, lennt;
unsigned char lm_resp[24], nt_resp[24];
unsigned char magic[] = { 0x4B, 0x47, 0x53, 0x21, 0x40, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25 };
unsigned char nt_hpw[21];
char nt_pw[128];
struct md4_ctx ctx;
char *tmp;
int idx;
gchar *ucs2le;
domainlen = strlen(domain) * 2;
usernamelen = strlen(username) * 2;
hostnamelen = strlen(hostname) * 2;
msglen = sizeof(struct type3_message) + domainlen +
usernamelen + hostnamelen + 0x18 + 0x18 + ((flags) ? 0x10 : 0);
tmsg = g_malloc0(msglen);
passwlen = strlen(passw);
/* type3 message initialization */
tmsg->protocol[0] = 'N';
tmsg->protocol[1] = 'T';
tmsg->protocol[2] = 'L';
tmsg->protocol[3] = 'M';
tmsg->protocol[4] = 'S';
tmsg->protocol[5] = 'S';
tmsg->protocol[6] = 'P';
tmsg->type = GUINT32_TO_LE(0x00000003);
tmsg->lm_resp_len1 = tmsg->lm_resp_len2 = GUINT16_TO_LE(0x18);
tmsg->lm_resp_off = GUINT32_TO_LE(sizeof(struct type3_message) + domainlen + usernamelen + hostnamelen);
tmsg->nt_resp_len1 = tmsg->nt_resp_len2 = GUINT16_TO_LE(0x18);
tmsg->nt_resp_off = GUINT32_TO_LE(sizeof(struct type3_message) + domainlen + usernamelen + hostnamelen + 0x18);
tmsg->dom_len1 = tmsg->dom_len2 = GUINT16_TO_LE(domainlen);
tmsg->dom_off = GUINT32_TO_LE(sizeof(struct type3_message));
tmsg->user_len1 = tmsg->user_len2 = GUINT16_TO_LE(usernamelen);
tmsg->user_off = GUINT32_TO_LE(sizeof(struct type3_message) + domainlen);
tmsg->host_len1 = tmsg->host_len2 = GUINT16_TO_LE(hostnamelen);
tmsg->host_off = GUINT32_TO_LE(sizeof(struct type3_message) + domainlen + usernamelen);
if(flags) {
tmsg->sess_off = GUINT32_TO_LE(sizeof(struct type3_message) + domainlen + usernamelen + hostnamelen + 0x18 + 0x18);
tmsg->sess_len1 = tmsg->sess_len2 = GUINT16_TO_LE(0x0010);
tmsg->flags = GUINT32_TO_LE(0x00008201);
tmp = (char *)tmsg + sizeof(struct type3_message);
ucs2le = g_convert(domain, -1, "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ucs2le != NULL) {
memcpy(tmp, ucs2le, domainlen);
tmp += domainlen;
} else {
purple_debug_info("ntlm", "Unable to encode domain in UTF-16LE.\n");
ucs2le = g_convert(username, -1, "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ucs2le != NULL) {
memcpy(tmp, ucs2le, usernamelen);
tmp += usernamelen;
} else {
purple_debug_info("ntlm", "Unable to encode username in UTF-16LE.\n");
ucs2le = g_convert(hostname, -1, "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ucs2le != NULL) {
memcpy(tmp, ucs2le, hostnamelen);
tmp += hostnamelen;
} else {
purple_debug_info("ntlm", "Unable to encode hostname in UTF-16LE.\n");
/* LM */
if (passwlen > 14)
passwlen = 14;
for (idx = 0; idx < passwlen; idx++)
lm_pw[idx] = g_ascii_toupper(passw[idx]);
for (; idx < 14; idx++)
lm_pw[idx] = 0;
setup_des_key((unsigned char*)lm_pw, key);
des_ecb_encrypt(magic, lm_hpw, key);
setup_des_key((unsigned char*)(lm_pw + 7), key);
des_ecb_encrypt(magic, lm_hpw + 8, key);
memset(lm_hpw + 16, 0, 5);
calc_resp(lm_hpw, nonce, lm_resp);
memcpy(tmp, lm_resp, 0x18);
tmp += 0x18;
/* NTLM */
/* Convert the password to UTF-16LE */
lennt = strlen(passw);
for (idx = 0; idx < lennt; idx++)
nt_pw[2 * idx] = passw[idx];
nt_pw[2 * idx + 1] = 0;
md4_update(&ctx, 2 * lennt, (uint8_t *)nt_pw);
md4_digest(&ctx, MD4_DIGEST_SIZE, nt_hpw);
memset(nt_hpw + 16, 0, 5);
calc_resp(nt_hpw, nonce, nt_resp);
memcpy(tmp, nt_resp, 0x18);
tmp += 0x18;
/* LCS Stuff */
if (flags) {
tmsg->flags = GUINT32_TO_LE(0x409082d4);
memcpy(tmp, sesskey, 0x10);
/*tmsg->flags2 = 0x0a280105;
tmsg->flags3 = 0x0f000000;*/
tmp = g_base64_encode((guchar *)tmsg, msglen);
return tmp;
/* Used without support enabled */
#endif /* HAVE_NETTLE */