
Make sure we remove all the files we install.
2021-04-11, Gary Kramlich
Make sure we remove all the files we install.

Patch was provided by Johann Lochner.

Testing Done:
Build and ran the installer and uninstaller and verified that `C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin` was empty and therefore removed.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17515

Reviewed at
use Purple;
perl_api_version => 2,
name => 'Test Perl Plugin',
version => '1.0',
summary => 'Provides as a test base for the perl plugin.',
description => 'Provides as a test base for the perl plugin.',
author => 'Etan Reisner <deryni\>',
url => '',
load => "plugin_load"
sub plugin_init {
return %PLUGIN_INFO;
sub account_status_cb {
my ($account, $old, $new, $data) = @_;
Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "In account_status_cb\n");
Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "Account " .
$account->get_username() . " changed status.\n");
Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", $data . "\n");
sub plugin_load {
my $plugin = shift;
Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "plugin_load\n");
Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", "Listing accounts.\n");
foreach $account (Purple::Accounts::get_all()) {
Purple::Debug::info("perl test plugin", $account->get_username() . "\n");
"account-status-changed", $plugin,
\&account_status_cb, "test");