
Replace PurpleIdleUiOps with the PurpleIdleUi Interface

This continues our path down replacing the UiOps with Interfaces so that
developers can write user interfaces in other languages using gobject

Testing Done:
Ran pidgin3 and set it to auto idle after 1 minute of system idle time. This attempted to query xscreen saver, but something didn't work there, but that's been happening before this change. Not sure if it's my system or the code just needs fixing.

Ran finch3 set idle time to 1 minute and verified that it set me to away after that minute.

I also used the libpurple idle time for both pidgin3 and finch3 and verified they continued to work as well.

Reviewed at
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA.
#include <purple.h>
#include "dns_sd_proxy.h"
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceAddRecord)(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSRecordRef *RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceBrowse)(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
const char *regtype, const char *domain, DNSServiceBrowseReply callBack, void *context);
static int (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceConstructFullName)(char *fullName, const char *service, const char *regtype, const char *domain);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceGetAddrInfo)(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceProtocol protocol, const char *hostname, DNSServiceGetAddrInfoReply callBack, void *context);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceProcessResult)(DNSServiceRef sdRef);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceQueryRecord)(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
const char *fullname, uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass, DNSServiceQueryRecordReply callBack, void *context);
static void (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceRefDeallocate)(DNSServiceRef sdRef);
static int (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceRefSockFD)(DNSServiceRef sdRef);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceRegister)(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
const char *name, const char *regtype, const char *domain, const char *host, uint16_t port, uint16_t txtLen,
const void *txtRecord, DNSServiceRegisterReply callBack, void *context);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceResolve)(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex, const char *name,
const char *regtype, const char *domain, DNSServiceResolveReply callBack, void *context);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceRemoveRecord)(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _DNSServiceUpdateRecord)(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl);
static void (DNSSD_API* _TXTRecordCreate)(TXTRecordRef *txtRecord, uint16_t bufferLen, void *buffer);
static void (DNSSD_API* _TXTRecordDeallocate)(TXTRecordRef *txtRecord);
static const void * (DNSSD_API* _TXTRecordGetBytesPtr)(const TXTRecordRef *txtRecord);
static int16_t (DNSSD_API* _TXTRecordGetLength)(const TXTRecordRef *txtRecord);
static const void * (DNSSD_API* _TXTRecordGetValuePtr)(uint16_t txtLen, const void *txtRecord, const char *key, uint8_t *valueLen);
static DNSServiceErrorType (DNSSD_API* _TXTRecordSetValue)(TXTRecordRef *txtRecord, const char *key, uint8_t valueSize, const void *value);
gboolean dns_sd_available(void) {
static gboolean initialized = FALSE;
static gboolean loaded = FALSE;
if (!initialized) {
initialized = TRUE;
if ((_DNSServiceAddRecord = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceAddRecord"))
&& (_DNSServiceBrowse = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceBrowse"))
&& (_DNSServiceConstructFullName = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceConstructFullName"))
&& (_DNSServiceGetAddrInfo = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceGetAddrInfo"))
&& (_DNSServiceProcessResult = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceProcessResult"))
&& (_DNSServiceQueryRecord = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceQueryRecord"))
&& (_DNSServiceRefDeallocate = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceRefDeallocate"))
&& (_DNSServiceRefSockFD = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceRefSockFD"))
&& (_DNSServiceRegister = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceRegister"))
&& (_DNSServiceResolve = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceResolve"))
&& (_DNSServiceRemoveRecord = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceRemoveRecord"))
&& (_DNSServiceUpdateRecord = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "DNSServiceUpdateRecord"))
&& (_TXTRecordCreate = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "TXTRecordCreate"))
&& (_TXTRecordDeallocate = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "TXTRecordDeallocate"))
&& (_TXTRecordGetBytesPtr = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "TXTRecordGetBytesPtr"))
&& (_TXTRecordGetLength = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "TXTRecordGetLength"))
&& (_TXTRecordGetValuePtr = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "TXTRecordGetValuePtr"))
&& (_TXTRecordSetValue = (void *) wpurple_find_and_loadproc("dnssd.dll", "TXTRecordSetValue"))) {
loaded = TRUE;
return loaded;
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceAddRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSRecordRef *RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceAddRecord != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceAddRecord)(sdRef, RecordRef, flags, rrtype, rdlen, rdata, ttl);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceBrowse(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
const char *regtype, const char *domain, DNSServiceBrowseReply callBack, void *context) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceBrowse != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceBrowse)(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, regtype, domain, callBack, context);
int _wpurple_DNSServiceConstructFullName(char *fullName, const char *service, const char *regtype, const char *domain) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceConstructFullName != NULL, 0);
return (_DNSServiceConstructFullName)(fullName, service, regtype, domain);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceProtocol protocol, const char *hostname, DNSServiceGetAddrInfoReply callBack, void *context) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceGetAddrInfo != NULL, 0);
return (_DNSServiceGetAddrInfo)(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, protocol, hostname, callBack, context);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceProcessResult(DNSServiceRef sdRef) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceProcessResult != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceProcessResult)(sdRef);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceQueryRecord(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
const char *fullname, uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass, DNSServiceQueryRecordReply callBack, void *context) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceQueryRecord != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceQueryRecord)(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, fullname, rrtype, rrclass, callBack, context);
void _wpurple_DNSServiceRefDeallocate(DNSServiceRef sdRef) {
g_return_if_fail(_DNSServiceRefDeallocate != NULL);
int _wpurple_DNSServiceRefSockFD(DNSServiceRef sdRef) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceRefSockFD != NULL, -1);
return (_DNSServiceRefSockFD)(sdRef);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceRegister(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
const char *name, const char *regtype, const char *domain, const char *host, uint16_t port, uint16_t txtLen,
const void *txtRecord, DNSServiceRegisterReply callBack, void *context) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceRegister != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceRegister)(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, name, regtype, domain, host, port, txtLen, txtRecord, callBack, context);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceResolve(DNSServiceRef *sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex, const char *name,
const char *regtype, const char *domain, DNSServiceResolveReply callBack, void *context) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceResolve != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceResolve)(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, name, regtype, domain, callBack, context);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceRemoveRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceRemoveRecord != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceRemoveRecord)(sdRef, RecordRef, flags);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_DNSServiceUpdateRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_DNSServiceUpdateRecord != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_DNSServiceUpdateRecord)(sdRef, RecordRef, flags, rdlen, rdata, ttl);
void _wpurple_TXTRecordCreate(TXTRecordRef *txtRecord, uint16_t bufferLen, void *buffer) {
g_return_if_fail(_TXTRecordCreate != NULL);
(_TXTRecordCreate)(txtRecord, bufferLen, buffer);
void _wpurple_TXTRecordDeallocate(TXTRecordRef *txtRecord) {
g_return_if_fail(_TXTRecordDeallocate != NULL);
const void * _wpurple_TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(const TXTRecordRef *txtRecord) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_TXTRecordGetBytesPtr != NULL, NULL);
return (_TXTRecordGetBytesPtr)(txtRecord);
uint16_t _wpurple_TXTRecordGetLength(const TXTRecordRef *txtRecord) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_TXTRecordGetLength != NULL, 0);
return (_TXTRecordGetLength)(txtRecord);
const void * _wpurple_TXTRecordGetValuePtr(uint16_t txtLen, const void *txtRecord, const char *key, uint8_t *valueLen) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_TXTRecordGetValuePtr != NULL, NULL);
return (_TXTRecordGetValuePtr)(txtLen, txtRecord, key, valueLen);
DNSServiceErrorType _wpurple_TXTRecordSetValue(TXTRecordRef *txtRecord, const char *key, uint8_t valueSize, const void *value) {
g_return_val_if_fail(_TXTRecordSetValue != NULL, kDNSServiceErr_Unknown);
return (_TXTRecordSetValue)(txtRecord, key, valueSize, value);