
Fix some spelling errors
2021-01-21, Richard Laager
Fix some spelling errors

This is #438, but for the release-2.x.y branch. There were more errors in release-2.x.y (which is where I was starting) than default.

Testing Done:
I looked at the diff.

Reviewed at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2014 Richard Hughes <> -->
<!-- Copyright 2014 Pidgin Developers <> -->
<id type="desktop">pidgin.desktop</id>
<_summary>Instant Messaging Client</_summary>
Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log in to accounts on multiple
chat networks simultaneously.
This means that you can be chatting with friends on AIM, talking to a
friend on Google Talk, and sitting in an IRC chat room all at the same
<url type="homepage"></url>
<screenshot type="default">
<_caption>The buddy list showing friends on different networks.</_caption>