
Clean up all of the fuzzers and add a corpus for all of them
2021-09-16, Gary Kramlich
Clean up all of the fuzzers and add a corpus for all of them

Testing Done:
Ran all of the fuzzers, made sure they were able to add new corpra.

Reviewed at
/** @page cmd-signals Command Signals
@signal cmd-added
@signal cmd-removed
@see cmds.h
@signaldef cmd-added
void (*cmd_added)(const char *command, PurpleCmdPriority priority,
PurpleCmdFlag flag);
Emitted when a new command is added.
@param command The new command.
@param priority The priority of the new command.
@param flag The command flags.
@signaldef cmd-removed
void (*cmd_removed)(const char *command);
Emitted when a command is removed.
@param command The removed command.