
Fix incompatible type conversion errors
4 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Fix incompatible type conversion errors

- A recent libxml2 changed its handler function to take a `const` pointer. It's
safe for us to have it, and them not, but the opposite way causes an implicit
cast warning.
- In relatively new GLib (many years now), `g_object_ref` casts its output to
match its input. This means we should not be casting to `G_OBJECT`, as that
is not the type it expects, and would translate to the output being `GObject`
instead of the original type.

This fixes the build in Fedora 40, which changes several incompatible pointer
conversion warnings into errors.

This patch is partially from the Fedora maintainer @yarda, with some corrections by me (to the `g_object_ref` portions.)

Testing Done:
Compiled in a Rawhide environment with this patch applied.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17850

Reviewed at
/** @page blist-signals Buddy List Signals
@signal buddy-status-changed
@signal buddy-idle-changed
@signal buddy-signed-on
@signal buddy-signed-off
@signal update-idle
@signal blist-node-extended-menu
@signal buddy-added
@signal buddy-removed
@signal buddy-icon-changed
@signal blist-node-aliased
@signal buddy-caps-changed
@signal ui-caps-changed
@see blist.h
@signaldef buddy-status-changed
void (*buddy_away)(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleStatus *old_status, PurpleStatus *status);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list goes away.
@param buddy The buddy whose status changed.
@param old_status The status that the buddy just changed from.
@param status The status that the buddy just changed to.
@signaldef buddy-idle-changed
void (*buddy_idle)(PurpleBuddy *buddy, gboolean old_idle, gboolean idle);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list becomes idle.
@param buddy The buddy whose idle status changed.
@param old_idle Whether the buddy was idle.
@param idle Whether the buddy is currently idle.
@signaldef buddy-signed-on
void (*buddy_signed_on)(PurpleBuddy *buddy);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list signs on.
@param buddy The buddy that signed on.
@signaldef buddy-signed-off
void (*buddy_signed_off)(PurpleBuddy *buddy);
Emitted when a buddy on your buddy list signs off.
@param buddy The buddy that signed off.
@signaldef update-idle
void (*update_idle)();
Emitted when the buddy list is refreshed and the idle times are updated.
@signaldef blist-node-extended-menu
void (*blist_node_extended_menu)(PurpleBlistNode *node, GList **menu)
Emitted when a buddlist menu is being constructed @a menu is a pointer to
a GList of PurpleBlistNodeAction's allowing a plugin to add menu items
@signaldef blist-node-added
void (*blist_node_added)(PurpleBlistNode *node)
Emitted when a new blist node is added to the buddy list.
@signaldef blist-node-removed
void (*blist_node_removed)(PurpleBlistNode *node)
Emitted when a blist node is removed from the buddy list.
@signaldef buddy-added
void (*buddy_added)(PurpleBuddy *buddy)
Emitted when a new buddy is added to the buddy list.
@deprecated Use blist-node-added instead.
@signaldef buddy-removed
void (*buddy_removed)(PurpleBuddy *buddy)
Emitted when a buddy is removed from the buddy list.
@deprecated Use blist-node-removed instead.
@signaldef buddy-icon-changed
void (*buddy_icon_changed)(PurpleBuddy *buddy)
Emitted when a buddy's icon is set.
@signaldef blist-node-aliased
void (*blist_node_aliased)(PurpleBlistNode *node, const char *old_alias)
Emitted when a blist node (buddy, chat, or contact) is aliased.
@signaldef buddy-caps-changed
void (*buddy_caps_changed)(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleMediaCaps newcaps,
PurpleMediaCaps oldcaps)
Emitted when updating a buddy's media capabilities.
@param buddy The buddy
@param newcaps
@param oldcaps
@since 2.7.0
@signaldef ui-caps-changed
void (*ui_caps_changed)(PurpleMediaCaps newcaps, PurpleMediaCaps oldcaps)
Emitted when updating the media capabilities of the UI.
@param newcaps
@param oldcaps
@since 2.7.0
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