
Bump the versions for the next round of development
2021-05-13, Gary Kramlich
Bump the versions for the next round of development

Testing Done:
Configured and built.

Reviewed at
* @file whiteboard.h The PurpleWhiteboard core object
/* purple
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
* Whiteboard PRPL Operations
typedef struct _PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps;
#include "account.h"
* A PurpleWhiteboard
typedef struct _PurpleWhiteboard
int state; /**< State of whiteboard session */
PurpleAccount *account; /**< Account associated with this session */
char *who; /**< Name of the remote user */
void *ui_data; /**< Graphical user-interface data */
void *proto_data; /**< Protocol specific data */
PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps *prpl_ops; /**< Protocol-plugin operations */
GList *draw_list; /**< List of drawing elements/deltas to send */
} PurpleWhiteboard;
* The PurpleWhiteboard UI Operations
typedef struct _PurpleWhiteboardUiOps
void (*create)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb); /**< create function */
void (*destroy)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb); /**< destory function */
void (*set_dimensions)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int width, int height); /**< set_dimensions function */
void (*set_brush) (PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int size, int color); /**< set the size and color of the brush */
void (*draw_point)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int x, int y,
int color, int size); /**< draw_point function */
void (*draw_line)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int x1, int y1,
int x2, int y2,
int color, int size); /**< draw_line function */
void (*clear)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb); /**< clear function */
void (*_purple_reserved1)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved2)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved3)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved4)(void);
} PurpleWhiteboardUiOps;
* PurpleWhiteboard PRPL Operations
struct _PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps
void (*start)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb); /**< start function */
void (*end)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb); /**< end function */
void (*get_dimensions)(const PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int *width, int *height); /**< get_dimensions function */
void (*set_dimensions)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int width, int height); /**< set_dimensions function */
void (*get_brush) (const PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int *size, int *color); /**< get the brush size and color */
void (*set_brush) (PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int size, int color); /**< set the brush size and color */
void (*send_draw_list)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, GList *draw_list); /**< send_draw_list function */
void (*clear)(PurpleWhiteboard *wb); /**< clear function */
void (*_purple_reserved1)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved2)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved3)(void);
void (*_purple_reserved4)(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** @name PurpleWhiteboard API */
* Sets the UI operations
* @param ops The UI operations to set
void purple_whiteboard_set_ui_ops(PurpleWhiteboardUiOps *ops);
* Sets the prpl operations for a whiteboard
* @param wb The whiteboard for which to set the prpl operations
* @param ops The prpl operations to set
void purple_whiteboard_set_prpl_ops(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps *ops);
* Creates a whiteboard
* @param account The account.
* @param who Who you're drawing with.
* @param state The state.
* @return The new whiteboard
PurpleWhiteboard *purple_whiteboard_create(PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, int state);
* Destroys a whiteboard
* @param wb The whiteboard.
void purple_whiteboard_destroy(PurpleWhiteboard *wb);
* Starts a whiteboard
* @param wb The whiteboard.
void purple_whiteboard_start(PurpleWhiteboard *wb);
* Finds a whiteboard from an account and user.
* @param account The account.
* @param who The user.
* @return The whiteboard if found, otherwise @c NULL.
PurpleWhiteboard *purple_whiteboard_get_session(const PurpleAccount *account, const char *who);
* Destorys a drawing list for a whiteboard
* @param draw_list The drawing list.
void purple_whiteboard_draw_list_destroy(GList *draw_list);
* Gets the dimension of a whiteboard.
* @param wb The whiteboard.
* @param width The width to be set.
* @param height The height to be set.
* @return TRUE if the values of width and height were set.
gboolean purple_whiteboard_get_dimensions(const PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int *width, int *height);
* Sets the dimensions for a whiteboard.
* @param wb The whiteboard.
* @param width The width.
* @param height The height.
void purple_whiteboard_set_dimensions(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int width, int height);
* Draws a point on a whiteboard.
* @param wb The whiteboard.
* @param x The x coordinate.
* @param y The y coordinate.
* @param color The color to use.
* @param size The brush size.
void purple_whiteboard_draw_point(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int x, int y, int color, int size);
* Send a list of points to draw to the buddy.
* @param wb The whiteboard
* @param list A GList of points
void purple_whiteboard_send_draw_list(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, GList *list);
* Draws a line on a whiteboard
* @param wb The whiteboard.
* @param x1 The top-left x coordinate.
* @param y1 The top-left y coordinate.
* @param x2 The bottom-right x coordinate.
* @param y2 The bottom-right y coordinate.
* @param color The color to use.
* @param size The brush size.
void purple_whiteboard_draw_line(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color, int size);
* Clears a whiteboard
* @param wb The whiteboard.
void purple_whiteboard_clear(PurpleWhiteboard *wb);
* Sends a request to the buddy to clear the whiteboard.
* @param wb The whiteboard
void purple_whiteboard_send_clear(PurpleWhiteboard *wb);
* Sends a request to change the size and color of the brush.
* @param wb The whiteboard
* @param size The size of the brush
* @param color The color of the brush
void purple_whiteboard_send_brush(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int size, int color);
* Gets the size and color of the brush.
* @param wb The whiteboard
* @param size The size of the brush
* @param color The color of the brush
* @return TRUE if the size and color were set.
gboolean purple_whiteboard_get_brush(const PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int *size, int *color);
* Sets the size and color of the brush.
* @param wb The whiteboard
* @param size The size of the brush
* @param color The color of the brush
void purple_whiteboard_set_brush(PurpleWhiteboard *wb, int size, int color);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _PURPLE_WHITEBOARD_H_ */