
Create a new ContactList that will eventually fully replace PidginBuddyList

Create a new PidginContactList window and move the application actions to PidginApplication.

Testing Done:
* Verified menus are properly disabled while offline
* Verified menu items that require a protocol with chats enables the chat menu items as well as the room list menu items
* Verified that the menu items can become enabled while the menus are opened
* Verified that the application actions are activatable via dbus
* Verified that the plugin manager action was migrated successfully
* Verified that the account manager action was migrated successfully

Reviewed at
autoaccept = library('autoaccept', 'autoaccept.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
buddynote = library('buddynote', 'buddynote.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
idle = library('idle', 'idle.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
joinpart = library('joinpart', 'joinpart.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
log_reader = library('log_reader', 'log_reader.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
offlinemsg = library('offlinemsg', 'offlinemsg.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
psychic = library('psychic', 'psychic.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
statenotify = library('statenotify', 'statenotify.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
purple_toast = library('purple-toast', 'purple-toast.c',
dependencies : [libpurple_dep],
name_prefix: '',
install : true, install_dir : PURPLE_PLUGINDIR)
endif # PLUGINS