
Remove the deprecated keyring API.

2021-04-21, Gary Kramlich
Remove the deprecated keyring API.

I've disable the building of the internal keyring for now but left it so it
can be referenced when it is ported to the CredentialProvider API.

Testing Done:
Ran Pidgin and verified the preferences window worked.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17486

Reviewed at
libgstroke - a GNOME stroke interface library
Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001 Mark F. Willey, ETLA Technical
See the file COPYING for distribution information.
This file contains the stroke recognition algorithm.
#include "config.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "gstroke.h"
#include "gstroke-internal.h"
_gstroke_init (struct gstroke_metrics *metrics)
if (metrics->pointList != NULL) {
g_slist_free_full(metrics->pointList, g_free);
metrics->pointList = NULL;
metrics->point_count = 0;
/* figure out which bin the point falls in */
static gint
_gstroke_bin (p_point point_p, gint bound_x_1, gint bound_x_2,
gint bound_y_1, gint bound_y_2)
gint bin_num = 1;
if (point_p->x > bound_x_1) bin_num += 1;
if (point_p->x > bound_x_2) bin_num += 1;
if (point_p->y > bound_y_1) bin_num += 3;
if (point_p->y > bound_y_2) bin_num += 3;
return bin_num;
_gstroke_trans (gchar *sequence, struct gstroke_metrics *metrics)
GSList *crt_elem;
/* number of bins recorded in the stroke */
guint sequence_count = 0;
/* points-->sequence translation scratch variables */
gint prev_bin = 0;
gint current_bin = 0;
gint bin_count = 0;
/* flag indicating the start of a stroke - always count it in the sequence */
gint first_bin = TRUE;
/* bin boundary and size variables */
gint delta_x, delta_y;
gint bound_x_1, bound_x_2;
gint bound_y_1, bound_y_2;
/* determine size of grid */
delta_x = metrics->max_x - metrics->min_x;
delta_y = metrics->max_y - metrics->min_y;
/* calculate bin boundary positions */
bound_x_1 = metrics->min_x + (delta_x / 3);
bound_x_2 = metrics->min_x + 2 * (delta_x / 3);
bound_y_1 = metrics->min_y + (delta_y / 3);
bound_y_2 = metrics->min_y + 2 * (delta_y / 3);
if (delta_x > GSTROKE_SCALE_RATIO * delta_y) {
bound_y_1 = (metrics->max_y + metrics->min_y - delta_x) / 2 + (delta_x / 3);
bound_y_2 = (metrics->max_y + metrics->min_y - delta_x) / 2 + 2 * (delta_x / 3);
} else if (delta_y > GSTROKE_SCALE_RATIO * delta_x) {
bound_x_1 = (metrics->max_x + metrics->min_x - delta_y) / 2 + (delta_y / 3);
bound_x_2 = (metrics->max_x + metrics->min_x - delta_y) / 2 + 2 * (delta_y / 3);
#if 0
printf ("DEBUG:: point count: %d\n", metrics->point_count);
printf ("DEBUG:: metrics->min_x: %d\n", metrics->min_x);
printf ("DEBUG:: metrics->max_x: %d\n", metrics->max_x);
printf ("DEBUG:: metrics->min_y: %d\n", metrics->min_y);
printf ("DEBUG:: metrics->max_y: %d\n", metrics->max_y);
printf ("DEBUG:: delta_x: %d\n", delta_x);
printf ("DEBUG:: delta_y: %d\n", delta_y);
printf ("DEBUG:: bound_x_1: %d\n", bound_x_1);
printf ("DEBUG:: bound_x_2: %d\n", bound_x_2);
printf ("DEBUG:: bound_y_1: %d\n", bound_y_1);
printf ("DEBUG:: bound_y_2: %d\n", bound_y_2);
build string by placing points in bins, collapsing bins and
discarding those with too few points... */
crt_elem = metrics->pointList;
while (crt_elem != NULL)
/* figure out which bin the point falls in */
/*printf ("X = %d Y = %d\n", ((p_point)crt_elem->data)->x,
((p_point)crt_elem->data)->y); */
current_bin = _gstroke_bin ((p_point)crt_elem->data, bound_x_1,
bound_x_2, bound_y_1, bound_y_2);
/* if this is the first point, consider it the previous bin, too. */
if (prev_bin == 0)
prev_bin = current_bin;
/*printf ("DEBUG:: current bin: %d x=%d y = %d\n", current_bin,
((p_point)crt_elem->data)->y); */
if (prev_bin == current_bin)
else {
/* we are moving to a new bin -- consider adding to the sequence */
if ((bin_count > (metrics->point_count * GSTROKE_BIN_COUNT_PERCENT))
|| (first_bin == TRUE)) {
gchar val = '0' + prev_bin;
printf ("%c", val);fflush (stdout);
g_string_append (&sequence, &val);
first_bin = FALSE;
sequence[sequence_count++] = '0' + prev_bin;
/* printf ("DEBUG:: adding sequence: %d\n", prev_bin); */
/* restart counting points in the new bin */
prev_bin = current_bin;
/* move to next point, freeing current point from list */
crt_elem = g_slist_next(crt_elem);
metrics->pointList = NULL;
/* add the last run of points to the sequence */
sequence[sequence_count++] = '0' + current_bin;
/* printf ("DEBUG:: adding final sequence: %d\n", current_bin); */
_gstroke_init (metrics);
/* FIXME: get rid of this block
gchar val = '0' + current_bin;
printf ("%c\n", val);fflush (stdout);
g_string_append (&sequence, '\0');
sequence[sequence_count] = '\0';
return TRUE;
/* my plan is to make a stroke training program where you can enter all of
the variations of slop that map to a canonical set of strokes. When the
application calls gstroke_canonical, it gets one of the recognized strokes,
or "", if it's not a recognized variation. I will probably use a hash
table. Right now, it just passes the values through to gstroke_trans */
_gstroke_canonical (gchar *sequence, struct gstroke_metrics *metrics)
return _gstroke_trans (sequence, metrics);
_gstroke_record (gint x, gint y, struct gstroke_metrics *metrics)
p_point new_point_p;
gint delx, dely;
float ix, iy;
g_return_if_fail( metrics != NULL );
#if 0
printf ("%d:%d ", x, y); fflush (stdout);
if (metrics->point_count < GSTROKE_MAX_POINTS) {
if (metrics->pointList == NULL) {
/* first point in list - initialize metrics */
metrics->min_x = 10000;
metrics->min_y = 10000;
metrics->max_x = -1;
metrics->max_y = -1;
new_point_p = g_new0(struct s_point, 1);
metrics->pointList = g_slist_prepend(metrics->pointList, new_point_p);
metrics->point_count = 0;
} else {
p_point last_point = (p_point)g_slist_last(metrics->pointList)->data;
/* interpolate between last and current point */
delx = x - last_point->x;
dely = y - last_point->y;
if (abs(delx) > abs(dely)) { /* step by the greatest delta direction */
iy = last_point->y;
/* go from the last point to the current, whatever direction it may be */
for (ix = last_point->x; (delx > 0) ? (ix < x) : (ix > x); ix += (delx > 0) ? 1 : -1) {
/* step the other axis by the correct increment */
iy += fabs(((float) dely / (float) delx)) * (float) ((dely < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0);
/* add the interpolated point */
new_point_p = g_new0(struct s_point, 1);
new_point_p->x = ix;
new_point_p->y = iy;
metrics->pointList = g_slist_append (metrics->pointList, new_point_p);
/* update metrics */
if (((gint) ix) < metrics->min_x) metrics->min_x = (gint) ix;
if (((gint) ix) > metrics->max_x) metrics->max_x = (gint) ix;
if (((gint) iy) < metrics->min_y) metrics->min_y = (gint) iy;
if (((gint) iy) > metrics->max_y) metrics->max_y = (gint) iy;
} else { /* same thing, but for dely larger than delx case... */
p_point last_point = (p_point)g_slist_last(metrics->pointList)->data;
ix = last_point->x;
/* go from the last point to the current, whatever direction it may be
for (iy = last_point->y; (dely > 0) ? (iy < y) : (iy > y); iy += (dely > 0) ? 1 : -1) {
/* step the other axis by the correct increment */
ix += fabs(((float) delx / (float) dely)) * (float) ((delx < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0);
/* add the interpolated point */
new_point_p = g_new0(struct s_point, 1);
new_point_p->y = iy;
new_point_p->x = ix;
metrics->pointList = g_slist_append(metrics->pointList, new_point_p);
/* update metrics */
if (((gint) ix) < metrics->min_x) metrics->min_x = (gint) ix;
if (((gint) ix) > metrics->max_x) metrics->max_x = (gint) ix;
if (((gint) iy) < metrics->min_y) metrics->min_y = (gint) iy;
if (((gint) iy) > metrics->max_y) metrics->max_y = (gint) iy;
/* add the sampled point */
new_point_p = g_new0(struct s_point, 1);
metrics->pointList = g_slist_append(metrics->pointList, new_point_p);
/* record the sampled point values */
new_point_p->x = x;
new_point_p->y = y;
#if 0
GSList *crt = metrics->pointList;
printf ("Record ");
while (crt != NULL)
printf ("(%d,%d)", ((p_point)crt->data)->x, ((p_point)crt->data)->y);
crt = g_slist_next (crt);
printf ("\n");