
Remove the deprecated keyring API.

2021-04-21, Gary Kramlich
Remove the deprecated keyring API.

I've disable the building of the internal keyring for now but left it so it
can be referenced when it is ported to the CredentialProvider API.

Testing Done:
Ran Pidgin and verified the preferences window worked.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17486

Reviewed at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2014 Richard Hughes <> -->
<!-- Copyright 2014-2017 Pidgin Developers <> -->
<component type="desktop-application">
Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log in to accounts on multiple
chat networks simultaneously.
This means that you can be chatting with friends on AIM, talking to a
friend on Google Talk, and sitting in an IRC chat room all at the same
<launchable type="desktop-id">im.pidgin.Pidgin3.desktop</launchable>
<screenshot type="default">
<caption>Buddy list showing friends on different networks</caption>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<url type="bugtracker"></url>
<url type="faq"></url>
<url type="help"></url>