
Remove the deprecated keyring API.

2021-04-21, Gary Kramlich
Remove the deprecated keyring API.

I've disable the building of the internal keyring for now but left it so it
can be referenced when it is ported to the CredentialProvider API.

Testing Done:
Ran Pidgin and verified the preferences window worked.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17486

Reviewed at
/* purple
* Purple is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
# error "only <purple.h> may be included directly"
* SECTION:purpleconversation
* @section_id: libpurple-purpleconversation
* @short_description: Conversation base class
* @title: Conversation Base Class
* This is the base class for the conversation abstraction on Libpurple.
* The present API manages the common functionallity for both kinds of conversations
* @PurpleIMConversation and @PurpleChatConversation.
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <purplemessage.h>
#define PURPLE_TYPE_CONVERSATION (purple_conversation_get_type())
G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE(PurpleConversation, purple_conversation, PURPLE,
* PurpleConversationUpdateType:
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_ADD: The buddy associated with the conversation
* was added.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_REMOVE: The buddy associated with the
* conversation was removed.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_ACCOUNT: The purple_account was changed.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_TYPING: The typing state was updated.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_UNSEEN: The unseen state was updated.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_LOGGING: Logging for this conversation was
* enabled or disabled.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_TOPIC: The topic for a chat was updated.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_ACCOUNT_ONLINE: One of the user's accounts went online.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE: One of the user's accounts went
* offline.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_AWAY: The other user went away.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_ICON: The other user's buddy icon changed.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_NAME: The name of the conversation was changed.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_TITLE: The title of the conversation was
* updated.
* @PURPLE_CONVERSATION_UPDATE_FEATURES: The features for a chat have changed.
* Conversation update type.
typedef enum
* XXX These need to go when we implement a more generic core/UI event
* system.
} PurpleConversationUpdateType;
* PurpleConversation:
* A core representation of a conversation between two or more people.
* The conversation can be an IM or a chat.
* Note: When a conversation is destroyed with the last g_object_unref(), the
* specified conversation is removed from the parent window. If this
* conversation is the only one contained in the parent window, that
* window is also destroyed.
* PurpleConversationClass:
* @write_message: Writes a message to a chat or IM conversation. See
* purple_conversation_write_message().
* Base class for all #PurpleConversation's
struct _PurpleConversationClass {
/*< private >*/
GObjectClass parent_class;
/*< public >*/
void (*write_message)(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleMessage *msg);
/*< private >*/
gpointer reserved[4];
#include <purpleconversationuiops.h>
#include "account.h"
#include "buddyicon.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "smiley-list.h"
* purple_conversation_get_type:
* Returns: The #GType for the Conversation object.
* purple_conversation_present:
* @conv: The conversation to present
* Present a conversation to the user. This allows core code to initiate a
* conversation by displaying the IM dialog.
void purple_conversation_present(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_set_ui_ops:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @ops: The UI conversation operations structure.
* Sets the specified conversation's UI operations structure.
void purple_conversation_set_ui_ops(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleConversationUiOps *ops);
* purple_conversation_get_ui_ops:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Returns the specified conversation's UI operations structure.
* Returns: The operations structure.
PurpleConversationUiOps *purple_conversation_get_ui_ops(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_set_account:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @account: The purple_account.
* Sets the specified conversation's purple_account.
* This purple_account represents the user using purple, not the person the user
* is having a conversation/chat/flame with.
void purple_conversation_set_account(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleAccount *account);
* purple_conversation_get_account:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Returns the specified conversation's purple_account.
* This purple_account represents the user using purple, not the person the user
* is having a conversation/chat/flame with.
* Returns: (transfer none): The conversation's purple_account.
PurpleAccount *purple_conversation_get_account(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_get_connection:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Returns the specified conversation's purple_connection.
* Returns: (transfer none): The conversation's purple_connection.
PurpleConnection *purple_conversation_get_connection(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_set_title:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @title: The title.
* Sets the specified conversation's title.
void purple_conversation_set_title(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *title);
* purple_conversation_get_title:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Returns the specified conversation's title.
* Returns: The title.
const char *purple_conversation_get_title(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_autoset_title:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Automatically sets the specified conversation's title.
* This function takes OPT_IM_ALIAS_TAB into account, as well as the
* user's alias.
void purple_conversation_autoset_title(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_set_name:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @name: The conversation's name.
* Sets the specified conversation's name.
void purple_conversation_set_name(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *name);
* purple_conversation_get_name:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Returns the specified conversation's name.
* Returns: The conversation's name. If the conversation is an IM with a
* PurpleBuddy, then it's the name of the PurpleBuddy.
const char *purple_conversation_get_name(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_set_logging:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @log: %TRUE if logging should be enabled, or %FALSE otherwise.
* Enables or disables logging for this conversation.
void purple_conversation_set_logging(PurpleConversation *conv, gboolean log);
* purple_conversation_is_logging:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Returns whether or not logging is enabled for this conversation.
* Returns: %TRUE if logging is enabled, or %FALSE otherwise.
gboolean purple_conversation_is_logging(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_close_logs:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Closes any open logs for this conversation.
* Note that new logs will be opened as necessary (e.g. upon receipt of a
* message, if the conversation has logging enabled. To disable logging for
* the remainder of the conversation, use purple_conversation_set_logging().
void purple_conversation_close_logs(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_write_message:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @msg: The message to write.
* Writes to a chat or an IM.
void purple_conversation_write_message(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleMessage *msg);
* purple_conversation_write_system_message:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @message: The message to write.
* @flags: The message flags (you don't need to set %PURPLE_MESSAGE_SYSTEM.
* Wites a system message to a chat or an IM.
void purple_conversation_write_system_message(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags);
* purple_conversation_send:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @message: The message to send.
* Sends a message to this conversation. This function calls
* purple_conversation_send_with_flags() with no additional flags.
void purple_conversation_send(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *message);
* purple_conversation_send_with_flags:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @message: The message to send.
* @flags: The PurpleMessageFlags flags to use in addition to
* Sends a message to this conversation with specified flags.
void purple_conversation_send_with_flags(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags);
* purple_conversation_set_features:
* @conv: The conversation
* @features: Bitset defining supported features
* Set the features as supported for the given conversation.
void purple_conversation_set_features(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleConnectionFlags features);
* purple_conversation_get_features:
* @conv: The conversation
* Get the features supported by the given conversation.
PurpleConnectionFlags purple_conversation_get_features(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_has_focus:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Determines if a conversation has focus
* Returns: %TRUE if the conversation has focus, %FALSE if
* it does not or the UI does not have a concept of conversation focus
gboolean purple_conversation_has_focus(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_update:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @type: The update type.
* Updates the visual status and UI of a conversation.
void purple_conversation_update(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleConversationUpdateType type);
* purple_conversation_get_message_history:
* @conv: The conversation
* Retrieve the message history of a conversation.
* Returns: (element-type PurpleMessage) (transfer none):
* A GList of PurpleMessage's. You must not modify the
* list or the data within. The list contains the newest message at
* the beginning, and the oldest message at the end.
GList *purple_conversation_get_message_history(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_clear_message_history:
* @conv: The conversation
* Clear the message history of a conversation.
void purple_conversation_clear_message_history(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_send_confirm:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @message: The message to send.
* Sends a message to a conversation after confirming with
* the user.
* This function is intended for use in cases where the user
* hasn't explicitly and knowingly caused a message to be sent.
* The confirmation ensures that the user isn't sending a
* message by mistake.
void purple_conversation_send_confirm(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *message);
* purple_conversation_get_extended_menu:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Retrieves the extended menu items for the conversation.
* Returns: (element-type PurpleActionMenu) (transfer full): The extended menu
* items for a conversation, as harvested by the chat-extended-menu
* signal.
GList * purple_conversation_get_extended_menu(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_do_command:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @cmdline: The entire command including the arguments.
* @markup: %NULL, or the formatted command line.
* @error: If the command failed errormsg is filled in with the appropriate error
* message, if not %NULL. It must be freed by the caller with g_free().
* Perform a command in a conversation. Similar to purple_cmd_do_command().
* Returns: %TRUE if the command was executed successfully, %FALSE otherwise.
gboolean purple_conversation_do_command(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *cmdline, const gchar *markup, gchar **error);
* purple_conversation_get_max_message_size:
* @conv: The conversation to query.
* Gets the maximum message size in bytes for the conversation.
* See #PurpleProtocolClientInterface's <literal>get_max_message_size</literal>.
* Returns: Maximum message size, 0 if unspecified, -1 for infinite.
gssize purple_conversation_get_max_message_size(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_add_smiley:
* @conv: The conversation that receives new smiley.
* @smiley: The smiley.
* Adds a smiley to the list of smileys that belong to this conversation.
void purple_conversation_add_smiley(PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleSmiley *smiley);
* purple_conversation_get_smiley:
* @conv: The conversation.
* @shortcut: The shortcut.
* Lookups for the smiley previously added to this conversation.
* Returns: (transfer none): The smiley, or %NULL if it doesn't exists.
PurpleSmiley *purple_conversation_get_smiley(PurpleConversation *conv, const gchar *shortcut);
* purple_conversation_get_remote_smileys:
* @conv: The conversation.
* Get all remote smileys previously added to this conversation.
* Returns: (transfer none): The list of remote smileys.
PurpleSmileyList *purple_conversation_get_remote_smileys(PurpleConversation *conv);
* purple_conversation_present_error:
* @who: The user this error is about
* @account: The account this error is on
* @what: The error
* Presents an IM-error to the user
* This is a helper function to find a conversation, write an error to it, and
* raise the window. If a conversation with this user doesn't already exist,
* the function will return FALSE and the calling function can attempt to present
* the error another way (purple_notify_error, most likely)
* Returns: TRUE if the error was presented, else FALSE
gboolean purple_conversation_present_error(const gchar *who, PurpleAccount *account, const gchar *what);