
Restore compatibility with gtkimhtml.c
2019-10-09, Daniel Kamil Kozar
Restore compatibility with gtkimhtml.c

gtkimhtml.c treats the first line of the message specially, and the previously
introduced changes caused problems with displaying conversation logs when saved
in HTML, exactly due to changing where the newlines are stored inside the file.
I believe this change brings the best of both worlds by changing the significant
part of the HTML markup so the validator is happy, and keeping the stuff that
gtkimhtml.c needs in the first line.
/** @page jabber-signals Jabber Signals
@signal jabber-receiving-iq
@signal jabber-receiving-message
@signal jabber-receiving-presence
@signal jabber-watched-iq
@signal jabber-register-namespace-watcher
@signal jabber-unregister-namespace-watcher
@signal jabber-sending-xmlnode
@signal jabber-receiving-xmlnode
@signaldef jabber-receiving-iq
gboolean (*iq_received)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type, const char *id,
const char *from, xmlnode *iq);
Emitted when an XMPP IQ stanza is received. Allows a plugin to process IQ
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The IQ type ('get', 'set', 'result', or 'error')
@param id The ID attribute from the stanza. MUST NOT be NULL.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param iq The full stanza received.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-receiving-message
gboolean (*message_received)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type,
const char *id, const char *from, const char *to,
xmlnode *message);
Emitted when an XMPP message stanza is received. Allows a plugin to
process message stanzas.
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The message type (see rfc3921 or rfc3921bis)
@param id The ID attribute from the stanza. MAY BE NULL.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param to The destination of the stanza. This is probably either the
full JID of the receiver or the receiver's bare JID.
@param message The full stanza received.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-receiving-presence
gboolean (*presence_received)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type,
const char *from, xmlnode *presence);
Emitted when an XMPP presence stanza is received. Allows a plugin to process
presence stanzas.
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The presence type (see rfc3921 or rfc3921bis). NULL indicates
this is an "available" (i.e. online) presence.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param presence The full stanza received.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-watched-iq
gboolean (*watched_iq)(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *type, const char *id,
const char *from, xmlnode *child);
Emitted when an IQ with a watched (child, namespace) pair is received. See
jabber-register-namespace-watcher and jabber-unregister-namespace-watcher.
@param gc The connection on which the stanza is received
@param type The IQ type ('get', 'set', 'result', or 'error')
@param id The ID attribute from the stanza. MUST NOT be NULL.
@param from The originator of the stanza. MAY BE NULL if the stanza
originated from the user's server.
@param child The child node with namespace.
@return TRUE if the plugin processed this stanza and *nobody else* should
process it. FALSE otherwise.
@signaldef jabber-register-namespace-watcher
void (register_namespace_watcher)(const char *node, const char *namespace);
Emit this signal to register your desire to have specific IQ stanzas to be
emitted via the jabber-watched-iq signal when received.
@param node The IQ child name to longer watch.
@param namespace The IQ child namespace to longer watch.
@signaldef jabber-unregister-namespace-watcher
void (unregister_namespace_watcher)(const char *node, const char *namespace);
Emit this signal to unregister your desire to have specific IQ stanzas to be
emitted via the jabber-watched-iq signal when received.
@param node The IQ child name to no longer watch.
@param namespace The IQ child namespace to no longer watch.
@signaldef jabber-sending-xmlnode
void (sending_xmlnode)(PurpleConnection *gc, xmlnode **stanza);
Emit this signal (@c purple_signal_emit) to send a stanza. It is preferred
to use this instead of prpl_info->send_raw.
@param gc The connection on which to send the stanza.
@param stanza The stanza to send. If stanza is not NULL after being sent,
the emitter should free it.
@signaldef jabber-receiving-xmlnode
void (receiving_xmlnode)(PurpleConnection *gc, xmlnode **stanza);
Emitted when an XMPP stanza is received. Allows a plugin to process any
@param gc The connection on which the stanza was received.
@param stanza The received stanza. Set stanza to NULL (and free it) to
stop processing the stanza.
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