
Create a PidginAvatar widget.

2021-03-05, Gary Kramlich
Create a PidginAvatar widget.

This does everything the existing code does, but trying to integrate right now
is kind of difficult. The plan is to use this in a new PidginInfoPane I have
started, but that change got very large so I just packed it into the end of
the existing info pane.

The only things that are not implement right now, are making menu items
insensitive and that's because we need to figure out a better want to handle
custom avatars for users.

Testing Done:
Ran locally.

Reviewed at
# General Options
option('doc', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'build documentation with gtk-doc')
option('extraversion', type : 'string',
description : 'extra version number to be displayed in Help->About and --help (for packagers)')
option('introspection', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'build introspection data')
option('nettle', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable Nettle support')
option('nls', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'enable installation of translation files')
option('pixmaps-install', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'enable installation of pixmap files - Pidgin still needs them!')
# Libpurple Options
option('farstream', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with farstream support')
option('gstreamer-video', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with GStreamer 1.0 Video Overlay support')
option('kwallet', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable KWallet support')
option('plugins', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'compile plugins')
option('secret-service', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable Secret Service support')
option('vv', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with voice and video support')
# Protocol Plugins
option('avahi', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with avahi (required for Bonjour support)')
option('cyrus-sasl', type : 'feature',
description : 'enable Cyrus SASL support for XMPP/IRC')
option('dynamic-prpls', type : 'string', value: 'all',
description : 'specify which protocols to build dynamically')
option('krb4', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'compile Zephyr plugin with Kerberos 4 support')
option('libgadu', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with libgadu (required for GaduGadu support)')
option('meanwhile', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with meanwhile')
option('silc', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with SILC plugin')
option('zephyr', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile Zephyr plugin against external libzephyr')
# Pidgin Options
option('console-logging', type : 'boolean', value : false,
description : 'compile with console logging support')
option('gtkui', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'compile with GTK+ user interface')
option('unity-integration', type : 'feature',
description : 'compile with support for unity integration plugin')
# Finch Options
option('consoleui', type : 'boolean', value : true,
description : 'compile with console user interface')
option('x', type : 'boolean', value : true)