
Route GLib debug logging directly to the Finch debug window

Instead of flowing through purple debug, this merges some bits of the existing GLib log handler, and the purple debug printer.

Testing Done:
Open the Debug window an see some `GLib-*` outputs.

Reviewed at
DOC_MODULE = 'finch'
# Header files or dirs to ignore when scanning. Use base file/dir names
ignore_hfiles = [
# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.
scan_args = [
'--ignore-headers=' + ' '.join(ignore_hfiles),
# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
mkdb_args = [
'--ignore-files=' + ' '.join(ignore_hfiles),
# Extra options to supply to fixxrefs
fixxref_args = [
input : '',
output : 'version.xml',
configuration : version_conf)
finch_doc = gnome.gtkdoc(DOC_MODULE,
main_xml : DOC_MODULE + '-docs.xml',
src_dir : libfinch_inc,
dependencies : libfinch_dep,
install : true,
scan_args : scan_args,
mkdb_args : mkdb_args,
fixxref_args : fixxref_args,
gobject_typesfile : DOC_MODULE + '.types')