
Make it so only libpurple can directly include libpurple header files.

This is part of our on going effort to make it easier to develop against libpurple as well as making our filenames not part of our api.

Make it so only libpurple can directly include libpurple header files.

Testing Done:
Just a normal compile to make sure everything builds again.

Reviewed at
* untar.h
* Author: Herman Bloggs <>
* Date: April, 2003
* Description: untar.c header
#ifndef _UNTAR_H_
#define _UNTAR_H_
typedef enum {
UNTAR_LISTING = (1 << 0),
UNTAR_QUIET = (1 << 1),
UNTAR_VERBOSE = (1 << 2),
UNTAR_FORCE = (1 << 3),
UNTAR_ABSPATH = (1 << 4),
UNTAR_CONVERT = (1 << 5)
} untar_opt;
int untar(const char *filename, const char *destdir, untar_opt options);