
Use LT_LIB_M to determine if we need to link to the math library and link Pidgin to the X11 libraries

Gentoo ran into an issue with the gold linker without -lm. The original patch
and work came from Justin Lechner.

Gentoo also ran into an issue with X11_LIBS not being added to pidgin. This
should already be implicit everywhere except for homebrew which patches X11
out of their build. Original patch/work came from and.

Testing Done:
Installed and ran locally.

Reviewed at
#ifndef __CC_INTERFACE_H__
#define __CC_INTERFACE_H__
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "crazychat.h"
/* XXX feature encapsulation: still in flux, not stable XXX */
typedef enum {REMOTE, LOCAL} OUTPUT;
gboolean configure(GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEventConfigure *event, void *data);
#define draw(a, b, c) 1
#define setupDrawlists(a)
gboolean draw(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event,
void *data);
void setupDrawlists(OUTPUT output);
void init (GtkWidget *widget, void *data);
void setupLighting(GtkWidget *widget);
struct cc_features {
guint8 head_size;
guint8 left_eye_open, right_eye_open; /*booleans*/
guint8 mouth_open; /*percentage*/
guint8 head_x_rot, head_y_rot, head_z_rot; /* head rotation */
guint8 x, y; /*center of head*/
guint8 head_color, appendage_color, lid_color, right_iris_color, left_iris_color; //colors
guint8 mode, kind;
struct output_instance {
struct cc_features *features;
struct cc_session *session;
float past_y;
OUTPUT my_output;
GtkWidget *widget;
GtkWidget *box;
struct input_instance {
int timer_id;
struct cc_features face;
GtkWidget *widget;
GtkWidget *box;
GtkWidget *button;
GtkWidget *label;
GtkWidget *model;
GtkWidget *head, *appendage, *lid, *right_iris, *left_iris;
struct output_instance output;
struct output_handlers {
int (*configure)(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event,
void *data);
void (*init) (GtkWidget *widget, void *data);
gboolean (*draw) (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, void *data);
struct cc_session {
struct crazychat *cc; /**< crazychat global data */
char *name; /**< session peer */
guint32 peer_ip; /**< peer's ip addr, nbo */
guint16 peer_port; /**< peer's port hbo */
struct sockaddr_in peer; /**< peer udp sock addr */
CC_STATE state; /**< connection state */
int timer_id; /**< glib timer callback id */
int tcp_sock; /**< tcp socket connection */
int udp_sock; /**< udp socket connection */
struct cc_features features; /**< network peer features */
struct output_instance *output; /**< output instance data */
filter_bank *filter; /**< filter instance */
struct crazychat {
guint16 tcp_port; /**< tcp port to bind on */
guint16 udp_port; /**< udp session data port */
struct cc_session_node *sessions; /**< list of sessions */
struct input_instance *input_data; /**< input instance data */
gboolean features_state; /**< features state on/off */
/* --- input feature interface --- */
#ifdef _DISABLE_QT_
#define init_input(a) NULL
#define destroy_input(a)
* Initializes the input subsystem.
* @param cc global crazychat data structure
* @return pointer to an input instance
struct input_instance *init_input(struct crazychat *cc);
* Destroys the input subsystem.
* @param instance input instance
void destroy_input(struct input_instance *instance);
#endif /* _DISABLE_QT_ */
/* --- output feature interface --- */
* Initializes an output instance.
* @param features pointer to features
* @param session pointer to the crazychat session
* @return pointer to the output instance
struct output_instance *init_output(struct cc_features *features,
struct cc_session *session);
* Destroys an output instance.
* @param instance output instance
void destroy_output(struct output_instance *instance);