
Use LT_LIB_M to determine if we need to link to the math library and link Pidgin to the X11 libraries

Gentoo ran into an issue with the gold linker without -lm. The original patch
and work came from Justin Lechner.

Gentoo also ran into an issue with X11_LIBS not being added to pidgin. This
should already be implicit everywhere except for homebrew which patches X11
out of their build. Original patch/work came from and.

Testing Done:
Installed and ran locally.

Reviewed at
* camproc.h
* basecame
* Created by CS194 on Mon Apr 26 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
//#pragma once
#ifdef __APPLE_CC__
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <Carbon.h>
#include "cc_interface.h"
#include "filter.h"
void Die(void);
OSErr CamProc(struct input_instance *inst, filter_bank *bank);
void QueryCam (void);