
Refresh all of the ui files

2021-03-22, Gary Kramlich
Refresh all of the ui files

* Resaved everything with Glade 3.38 which changes all of the properties from
using `_`'s to using `-`'s.
* Make sure everything has the license information, including the menu files
that Glade doesn't handle directly.
* Make sure that all of our ui files are requiring Gtk 3.22 as that is our
minimum and many of them were set to 3.20 which was making Glade angry.
* Change the margin-left to margin-start in xfer.ui

Glade is doing some weird stuff though that we'll need to watch in the future. Namely the format view isn't showing up as an internal client in `TalkatuEditor` for some reason and Glade removed the property from the Invisible `GtkTextTag`.

Testing Done:
Compiled and ran locally.

Reviewed at
DOC_MODULE = 'libpurple'
# Header files or dirs to ignore when scanning. Use base file/dir names
ignore_hfiles = [
# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.
scan_args = [
'--ignore-headers=' + ' '.join(ignore_hfiles),
# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
mkdb_args = [
'--ignore-files=' + ' '.join(ignore_hfiles),
# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixxref
fixxref_args = [
libpurple_version_xml = configure_file(
input : '',
output : 'version.xml',
configuration : version_conf)
content_files = [
libpurple_doc = gnome.gtkdoc(DOC_MODULE,
main_xml : DOC_MODULE + '-docs.xml',
src_dir : libpurple_inc,
dependencies : libpurple_dep,
install : true,
scan_args : scan_args,
mkdb_args : mkdb_args,
fixxref_args: fixxref_args,
gobject_typesfile : DOC_MODULE + '.types',
content_files : content_files)