
Make PurpleRequestFieldAccount work like a GtkCustomFilter

14 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Make PurpleRequestFieldAccount work like a GtkCustomFilter

This makes the filtering better for introspection.

Also, fixed an incorrect type check.

Testing Done:
Enabled Demo and XMPP accounts, then tried the I'dle Mak'er plugin and confirmed that only XMPP showed in its "Set Account Idle Time" action request.

Bugs closed: PIDGIN-17780

Reviewed at
if x11.found()
library('gntclipboard', 'gntclipboard.c',
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gnt-Clipboard"'],
dependencies : [x11, libpurple_dep, libfinch_dep, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : FINCH_PLUGINDIR)
devenv.append('FINCH_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())