
Fix a number of issues with the windows build
2021-04-05, Gary Kramlich
Fix a number of issues with the windows build

* Standardize on wprintf in pidgin/win32/winpidgin.c
* Use the inetc nsis plugin that supports https
* If building under msys2 copy libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libwinpthread to the
install directory.

Testing Done:
Ran successfully from the

* install directory
* online installer
* offline installer
* portable zip file

Reviewed at
* Copyright 1987 by the Student Information Processing Board
* of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* For copyright info, see "mit-sipb-copyright.h".
#include "error_table.h"
#include "com_err.h"
#include <sysdep.h>
char *error_table_name_r __P((int, char *));
struct et_list * _et_list = (struct et_list *) NULL;
const char * error_message (code)
long code;
static char buf[COM_ERR_BUF_LEN];
return(error_message_r(code, buf));
const char * error_message_r (code, buf)
long code;
char *buf;
int offset;
struct et_list *et;
int table_num;
int started = 0;
char *cp, namebuf[6];
offset = code & ((1<<ERRCODE_RANGE)-1);
table_num = code - offset;
if (!table_num)
return strerror(offset);
for (et = _et_list; et; et = et->next) {
if (et->table->base == table_num) {
/* This is the right table */
if (et->table->n_msgs <= offset)
strcpy (buf, "Unknown code ");
if (table_num) {
strcat (buf, error_table_name_r (table_num, namebuf));
strcat (buf, " ");
for (cp = buf; *cp; cp++)
if (offset >= 100) {
*cp++ = '0' + offset / 100;
offset %= 100;
if (started || offset >= 10) {
*cp++ = '0' + offset / 10;
offset %= 10;
*cp++ = '0' + offset;
*cp = '\0';