
Fix a number of issues with the windows build
2021-04-05, Gary Kramlich
Fix a number of issues with the windows build

* Standardize on wprintf in pidgin/win32/winpidgin.c
* Use the inetc nsis plugin that supports https
* If building under msys2 copy libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libwinpthread to the
install directory.

Testing Done:
Ran successfully from the

* install directory
* online installer
* offline installer
* portable zip file

Reviewed at
/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System.
* It contains source for the ZGetLocations function.
* Created by: Robert French
* Copyright (c) 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* For copying and distribution information, see the file
* "mit-copyright.h".
#include "internal.h"
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
/* Prototype for -Wmissing-prototypes */
Code_t ZGetLocations(ZLocations_t *location, int *numlocs);
Code_t ZGetLocations(ZLocations_t *location, int *numlocs)
int i;
if (!__locate_list)
if (__locate_next == __locate_num)
for (i=0;i<min(*numlocs, __locate_num-__locate_next);i++)
location[i] = __locate_list[i+__locate_next];
if (__locate_num-__locate_next < *numlocs)
*numlocs = __locate_num-__locate_next;
__locate_next += *numlocs;
return (ZERR_NONE);