
Fix a number of issues with the windows build
2021-04-05, Gary Kramlich
Fix a number of issues with the windows build

* Standardize on wprintf in pidgin/win32/winpidgin.c
* Use the inetc nsis plugin that supports https
* If building under msys2 copy libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libwinpthread to the
install directory.

Testing Done:
Ran successfully from the

* install directory
* online installer
* offline installer
* portable zip file

Reviewed at
/** @page sound-signals Sound Signals
@signal playing-sound-event
@see sound.h
@signaldef playing-sound-event
gboolean (*playing_sound_event)(PurpleSoundEventID event, PurpleAccount *account);
Emitted when libpurple is going to play a sound event. This can be used to cancel playing sound by returning TRUE.
@param event The event this sound represents.
@param account The account the sound is being played for.
@return @c TRUE if the sound should not be played, or @c FALSE otherwise.
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