
Bump C standard to C99 for XMPP and fix warnings

18 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Bump C standard to C99 for XMPP and fix warnings

Testing Done:
Touch all XMPP source files, recompiled and saw no new warnings.

Reviewed at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<schema path="/plugins/joinpart/" id="im.pidgin.Purple.plugin.JoinPart">
<key name="threshold" type="i">
<range min="0" max="1000"/>
<summary>Room size threshold</summary>
The number of people that must be in a room for this plugin to have any
<key name="delay" type="i">
<range min="0" max="480"/><!-- 8 hours maximum -->
The number of minutes before a person is considered to have stopped
being part of active conversation.
<key name="hide-buddies" type="b">
<summary>Hide buddies</summary>
Whether to apply hiding rules to buddies also.