
Fix some GWarnings during finch's startup

21 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Fix some GWarnings during finch's startup

Testing Done:
Ran via `G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings gdb --ex run finch3` and verified I was able to make it to the contact list.

Reviewed at
xmppdisco_SOURCES = [
xmppdisco_resource = gnome.compile_resources('xmppdiscoresources',
source_dir : 'resources',
c_name : 'xmppdisco')
xmppdisco_SOURCES += xmppdisco_resource
xmppdisco = library('xmppdisco', xmppdisco_SOURCES,
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="PidginPlugin-XMPPDisco"'],
dependencies : [libpurple_dep, libpidgin_dep, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : PIDGIN_PLUGINDIR)
devenv.append('PIDGIN_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())