
Add purple_menu_populate_dynamic_targets to dynamically update GMenu's

This is going to be used in the GMenu's for plugins, protocols, accounts, etc where there are dynamic items and we need to be able to set a target for them dynamically.

Testing Done:
Ran the new unit tests.

Reviewed at
* Purple - Internet Messaging Library
* Copyright (C) Pidgin Developers <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
# error "only <pidgin.h> may be included directly"
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <libpurple/account.h>
#define PURPLE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_MANAGER (purple_account_manager_get_type())
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(PurpleAccountManager, purple_account_manager, PURPLE, ACCOUNT_MANAGER, GObject)
* PurpleAccountManagerForeachFunc:
* @account: The account instance.
* @data: User specified data.
* A function used as a callback with purple_account_manager_foreach().
* Since: 3.0.0
typedef void (*PurpleAccountManagerForeachFunc)(PurpleAccount *account, gpointer data);
* PurpleAccountManager:
* @get_idle_time: vfunc to get the time that the user interface has been idle.
* An interface that a user interface can implement to let the core determine
* idle times.
* Since: 3.0.0
* purple_account_manager_get_default:
* Gets the default account manager for libpurple.
* Returns: (transfer none): The default account manager for libpurple.
* Since: 3.0.0
PurpleAccountManager *purple_account_manager_get_default(void);
* purple_account_manager_add:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* @account: (transfer full): The account to add.
* Adds @account to @manager.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_account_manager_add(PurpleAccountManager *manager, PurpleAccount *account);
* purple_account_manager_remove:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* @account: The account to remove.
* Removes @account from @manager.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_account_manager_remove(PurpleAccountManager *manager, PurpleAccount *account);
* purple_account_manager_reorder:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* @account: The account instance.
* @new_index: The numerical position to move @account to.
* Moves @account to @new_index in @manager.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_account_manager_reorder(PurpleAccountManager *manager, PurpleAccount *account, guint new_index);
* purple_account_manager_get_all:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* Gets the list of all accounts.
* Returns: (transfer none) (element-type PurpleAccount): The list of all
* accounts.
* Since: 3.0.0
GList *purple_account_manager_get_all(PurpleAccountManager *manager);
* purple_account_manager_get_active:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* Gets the list of all active accounts.
* Returns: (transfer container) (element-type PurpleAccount): The list of all
* active accounts.
* Since: 3.0.0
GList *purple_account_manager_get_active(PurpleAccountManager *manager);
* purple_account_manager_get_inactive:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* Gets the list of all inactive accounts.
* Returns: (transfer container) (element-type PurpleAccount): The list of all
* inactive accounts.
* Since: 3.0.0
GList *purple_account_manager_get_inactive(PurpleAccountManager *manager);
* purple_account_manager_find_by_id:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* @id: The id of the account.
* Looks up an account based on its id property.
* Returns: (transfer none): The account if found, otherwise %NULL.
* Since: 3.0.0
PurpleAccount *purple_account_manager_find_by_id(PurpleAccountManager *manager, const gchar *id);
* purple_account_manager_find:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* @username: The username of the account.
* @protocol_id: The id of the protocol of the account.
* Attempts to find an account in @manager with the matching @username and
* @protocol_id.
* Returns: (transfer none): The account if found, otherwise %NULL.
* Since: 3.0.0
PurpleAccount *purple_account_manager_find(PurpleAccountManager *manager, const gchar *username, const gchar *protocol_id);
* purple_account_manager_foreach:
* @manager: The account manager instance.
* @callback: (scope call): The function to call.
* @data: User data to pass to @callback.
* Calls @callback with @data for each account that @manager knows about.
* Since: 3.0.0
void purple_account_manager_foreach(PurpleAccountManager *manager, PurpleAccountManagerForeachFunc callback, gpointer data);