
Add purple_menu_populate_dynamic_targets to dynamically update GMenu's

This is going to be used in the GMenu's for plugins, protocols, accounts, etc where there are dynamic items and we need to be able to set a target for them dynamically.

Testing Done:
Ran the new unit tests.

Reviewed at
if x11.found()
gntclipboard = library('gntclipboard', 'gntclipboard.c',
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gnt-Clipboard"'],
dependencies : [x11, libpurple_dep, libfinch_dep, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : FINCH_PLUGINDIR)
gntgf = library('gntgf', 'gntgf.c',
c_args : [
dependencies : [x11, libpurple_dep, libfinch_dep, ncurses, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : FINCH_PLUGINDIR)
gntlastlog = library('gntlastlog', 'lastlog.c',
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gnt-LastLog"'],
dependencies : [libpurple_dep, libfinch_dep, ncurses, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : FINCH_PLUGINDIR)
gnttinyurl = library('gnttinyurl', 'gnttinyurl.c',
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gnt-TinyURL"'],
dependencies : [libpurple_dep, libfinch_dep, libsoup, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : FINCH_PLUGINDIR)
grouping = library('grouping', 'grouping.c',
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gnt-Grouping"'],
dependencies : [libpurple_dep, libfinch_dep, glib],
name_prefix : '',
install : true, install_dir : FINCH_PLUGINDIR)
devenv.append('FINCH_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())