
port a few more questions over.
2007-05-23, Luke Schierer
Parents 1115fe58d7b3
Children 0f0bdd7aebfa
port a few more questions over.
  • +0 -136
  • --- a/faq.txt Wed May 09 02:57:11 2007 +0000
    +++ b/faq.txt Wed May 23 19:13:49 2007 +0000
    @@ -76,17 +76,6 @@
    remove all Pidgin files from <code>/usr/local</code>.
    -Q: Are the packages signed? If so, by who, and how can I get the key?
    -A: Yes, all packages are signed. The signature for the
    -tarball and bzip2 archive are provided by separate downloads. The RPMs
    -we provide are signed by either Ethan Blanton, Mark Doliner, or Stu
    -Tomlinson. Usually the Mandrake RPMs are signed by, Mark Doliner, the
    -Fedora Core RPMs are signed by Stu Tomlinson, and the Red Hat 8 and 9 RPMs
    -are signed by Ethan Blanton.
    -The keys can be obtained from any key server.
    -<a href=""></a> is popular.
    Q: Can I run Pidgin on IRIX?
    A: Sure you can - the amount of effort involved depends on which compiler you use;
    @@ -123,21 +112,6 @@
    the X screensaver extension and disable the gtk- and glibtests; no source hacks are needed.
    -Q: Can I run Pidgin on MacOSX?
    -A: Yes you can, but we do not provide a package for it. The reason
    -being that in order to use Pidgin on MacOSX, you need to install an X server and
    -GTK+, which we are not prepared to support. You can either compile Pidgin
    -(and its dependencies) yourself, or you can use the fink installer
    -available from <a href=""></a>. If you
    -would like a native aqua interface or a user-friendly installer, we
    -suggest trying <a href="">Adium</a>.
    -Q: How do I apply the patch "something.diff"?
    -A: Type <code>patch -p0 &lt; something.diff</code> from inside the
    -Pidgin directory. If that doesn't work, try <code>patch -p1 &lt; something.diff</code>.
    !ANCHOR crash-on-start
    Q: Why is Pidgin crashing when I start it?
    @@ -168,78 +142,9 @@
    introduced during the development process and are hopefully fixed
    before a release is made.
    -Q: Why do you always say not to use MTN?
    -A: That's a long story. For starters, see the previous question.
    -It is often the case that Pidgin MTN exhibits bad behavior due to
    -features and bugfixes which are in a transitory state or which are not
    -yet well understood. These bad behaviors range from the harmless
    -(maybe a graphical glitch in a dialog box) to the irritating (a
    -particular protocol may not work), to the downright damaging (recently
    -a bug in SVN destroyed the user's buddy lists). While behaviors like
    -this are acceptable to some users (particularly developers, who are
    -used to such things), they tend to cause many Pidgin MTN users to
    -contact Pidgin developers and report the same (usually egregious) bug
    -over and over - using time which could be better spent fixing the
    -A second major point involves public resources - an MTN checkout is not
    -a cheap operation. As many Sourceforge users are aware, at various
    -points in the recent past Sourceforge CVS has been less than pleasant
    -to work with. This is, of course, because Sourceforge hosts dozens
    -and dozens of useful and active projects which use[ed] CVS as a primary
    -method of source code collaboration. Unfortunately, when too many
    -users are poking around in that CVS just for the sake of poking
    -around, it prevents other users who are trying to do work to improve
    -those very same projects from accomplishing their tasks. Naturally,
    -this could easily become true of our MTN offering as well.
    -It is better for the community if an enterprising individual wishing
    -to fix a particular bug [s]he has seen can get to the code and create
    -a patch, even if this means that some users have to wait a few weeks
    -for the next release to see what new features it might hold.
    -The third point is not a problem which has yet come up, but it is in
    -the back of the mind of the developers who bring you Pidgin. As a
    -third-party IM client, Pidgin is not a priority (and indeed may be an
    -irritant) for the IM service providers. We do our best to keep Pidgin
    -playing nice and being friendly on the IM networks it uses; however,
    -at times there are bugs in the protocol support. If a few dozen
    -people are using this buggy client, the IM providers are not likely to
    -go out of their way to do anything about it. However, if hundreds of
    -people are pointing an ill-behaved client at an IM server, the server
    -administrators may be forced to take action. (This is particularly
    -likely if the buggy behavior is damaging in some way.) Pidgin releases
    -represent code which the Pidgin developers feel is relatively
    -well-behaved and stable. This includes not only the interface seen by
    -Pidgin users, but the traffic seen by IM service providers. Pidgin MTN
    -bears no such guarantees.
    -In short, there are a lot of good reasons to <i>not</i> use
    -Pidgin MTN if one does not wish to develop Pidgin, Pidgin plugins, or a
    -codebase which interacts with Pidgin in some intimate way. There are,
    -however, only a few reasons <i>to</i> use Pidgin MTN outside of the
    -above. Please weigh these things carefully and decide whether you
    -wish to use Pidgin MTN for a good reason which furthers the community, or
    -for selfish reasons which are not entirely important.
    !SECTION Using Pidgin
    -Q: How do I register for a new account?
    -A: This depends on the protocol.
    -<p><b>AIM:</b> Go to <a href=";authLev=1&amp;mcState=initialized&amp;createSn=1">this website</a>.</p>
    -<p><b>MSN</b> (including Hotmail email)<b>:</b> Go to <a href=""></a>.</p>
    -<p><b>MSN</b> (using your own email address)<b>:</b> Go to
    -<a href=""></a>.</p>
    -<p><b>Yahoo:</b> Go to <a href=""></a>.</p>
    -<p><b>Jabber:</b> See the question <a href="#jabber-register">How do I register a new Jabber account?</a> below.</p>
    -<p><b>ICQ:</b> Go to <a href=""></a>.</p>
    -<p><b>Gadu-Gadu:</b> Use the official client to create an account.</p>
    -<p><b>Novell:</b> See your Novell server administrator.</p>
    Q: How do I use AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Jabber, ICQ, or any other protocol?
    A: Use the Account Editor (Accounts-&gt;Add/Edit) to add the account of
    @@ -276,35 +181,6 @@
    Additionally, some settings to specific parts of Pidgin can be set by a Gtk+
    -Q: Where did my ability to use Ctrl-Enter to send a message go?
    -A: Pidgin used to have an option in the preferences window which let you
    -choose whether to use Enter or Ctrl-Enter to send a message. This was less than
    -optimal for many reasons, not least of which was because it only let you
    -choose between those two options. It also caused large problems for people
    -who required an alternate input method (people who were typing in Chinese or
    -Japanese for example). On top of all this gtk provides an incredibly nice
    -mechanisms which allows keybindings to be set for things via the gtk theme
    -files. Pidgin decided to use this gtk interface as a method of allowing
    -people to use Ctrl-Enter to send but to also allow people to use anything else
    -they felt like and to reduce the clutter in the User Interface. The gtk
    -interface is, unfortunately, not as immediately obvious as a simple checkbox,
    -however it is still simple. The example gtkrc file seen
    -<a href="./gtkrc-2.0">here</a> shows you how to do it (among other things).
    -Q: When I click the status selector, I see blank space and have to
    -scroll. What can I do about this?
    -A: Edit your <code>~/.gtkrc-2.0</code> to contain the appropriate lines
    -from <a href="./gtkrc-2.0">this example file</a>. Search for "appears-as-list".
    -Q: The status selector has extra padding in it. How can I make it smaller?
    -A: Edit your <code>~/.gtkrc-2.0</code> to contain the appropriate
    -lines from <a href="./gtkrc-2.0">this example file</a>. Search for
    -"xthickness". There are two examples. Start by trying the first one. If that
    -makes the status selector look worse, then try the second one.
    Q: How do I make Pidgin use emacs-like keybindings, or assign a custom
    @@ -313,18 +189,6 @@
    <code>gtk-can-change-accels = 1</code>, then you hover over the menu item then
    press your desired key stroke.
    -Q: How do I make Escape close the conversation window?
    -A: Sadly, you can't use the hover-and-press technique just described
    -for this, because Escape closes the menu. You have to hand-edit
    -<code>~/.purple/accels</code>. Close Pidgin, and open
    -<code>~/.purple/accels</code> in your favorite text editor. Find
    -<code>(gtk_accel_path "&lt;main&gt;/Conversation/Close"
    -"[something]")</code>, remove the semi-colon (which is the comment
    -character) from the start of the line if it is there and replace whatever
    -is between the second pair of quote marks with <code>Escape</code>. Save
    -and close, and restart Pidgin.
    Q: How do I use smiley themes?
    A: To select a theme, open Pidgin's preferences to the "Smiley Themes"