
Parents 078937bcc1cc
Children 69e7e86812ed
Change /download/ to display the exact same info for your auto-detected
download type as when you're viewing the details for that download type
at /download/linux/ or /download/whatever/
--- a/htdocs/download/index.php Thu May 03 06:01:28 2012 +0000
+++ b/htdocs/download/index.php Thu May 03 06:05:28 2012 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
- // Update these to match the current page.
- $page['title'] = "Download Pidgin, the universal chat client";
+ include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../inc/");
+ include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../inc/");
+ $me = $download_type;
+ $page['title'] = $download_types[$me]['title'];
$page['section'] = "Download";
- $page['description'] = "Download the free Pidgin chat client. Pidgin runs on Windows and Linux/UNIX.";
- $page['subsect'] = "";
+ $page['subsect'] = $download_types[$me]['subsect'];
+ $page['description'] = $download_types[$me]['description'];
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../inc/");
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../inc/");
@@ -14,21 +18,16 @@
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../inc/"); ?>
<div class="box_right">
-<div id="main" style="position:relative;">
+<div id="main">
-<h1>Download Pidgin</h1>
-<p>Download the free Pidgin chat client. Pidgin runs on Windows and Linux/UNIX.</p>
+<h1><?php echo $page['subsect']; ?></h1>
-<div id="download">
-include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../inc/");
+<div class="box_download">
+<?php echo $download_types[$me]['body'] ?>
-<a href="">ChangeLog</a>
--- a/inc/ Thu May 03 06:01:28 2012 +0000
+++ b/inc/ Thu May 03 06:05:28 2012 +0000
@@ -4,23 +4,28 @@
$useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
// Default vals
+ $download_type = "source";
$download_link = "/download/";
$download_os = "";
$download_version = $pidgin_version;
if (strstr($useragent, 'Win')) {
+ $download_type = "windows";
$download_os = "for Windows";
$download_link = "$pidgin_win32_version/pidgin-$pidgin_win32_version.exe/download";
$download_version = $pidgin_win32_version;
} else if (strstr($useragent, "Ubuntu")) {
+ $download_type = "ubuntu";
$download_os = "for Ubuntu";
$download_link = "/download/ubuntu/";
$download_version = $pidgin_ubuntu_version;
} else if (strstr($useragent, "Mac")) {
+ $download_type = "mac";
$download_os = "for Mac OS X";
$download_link = "/download/mac/";
} else if (strstr($useragent, 'X11') ||
strstr($useragent, 'Linux')) {
+ $download_type = "source";
$download_os = "Source";
$download_link = "/download/source/";