
file isExecutable
Update Ubuntu Pidgin version number from 2.10.6 to 2.10.9.

Looks like our PPA does indeed have 2.10.9.
# This script runs a local web server sandbox that serves the Pidgin web
# site, so you can test your changes before committing them.
# The current version of this script uses nginx. is actually
# served using lighttpd... but that shouldn't matter.
# Directions for using this on Ubuntu:
# Note: These directions aren't very good. Feel free to correct/improve.
# apt-get install nginx-light php5-common php5-fpm
# TODO: disable nginx from starting at boot
# /sbin/chkconfig nginx off?
# insserv --remove nginx
# /etc/init.d/nginx stop
# /etc/init.d/php5-fpm start?
# TODO: Configure php5-fpm to start at boot?
MYDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
# Write the absolute path of the document root to a file. See the note
# about this file in nginx.conf for more information.
echo "root "`readlink -f $MYDIR/../htdocs/`";" > $MYDIR/nginx_docroot.conf
/usr/sbin/nginx -c $MYDIR/nginx.conf -p $MYDIR/