
Parents 60c0632cc2c1
Children b1bb041712d1
Improves on **Copy Code to Clipboard** tool

* Code snippets in headers no longer have a copy button attached
* Stylying
* Inline snippets are purple to match theme
* Heading snippets are a lighter purple
* Code
* Uses a variable instead of hiding the clipboard buttons with styling
* Simplify code execution
* Add **copy to** config to readme
--- a/ Sun Jan 20 22:30:59 2019 +0000
+++ b/ Sun Jan 20 22:56:45 2019 +0000
@@ -35,3 +35,7 @@
| `\{\{(\w|\.|\$|\()` | `{{ $1` |
| `\{\{-(\w|\.|$)` | `{{- $1` |
| `("|\w|\.|\))(-)?}}` | `$1 }}` |
+## Hugo config
+To disable **Copy Code to Clipboard** the `disableInlineCopyToClipBoard` switch can be used either in **config** `[params]` **or** in the front matter of the individual page
--- a/themes/learn/layouts/partials/header.html Sun Jan 20 22:30:59 2019 +0000
+++ b/themes/learn/layouts/partials/header.html Sun Jan 20 22:56:45 2019 +0000
@@ -27,12 +27,16 @@
:root #header + #content > #left > #rlblock_left{
display:none !important;
- {{ if .Site.Params.disableInlineCopyToClipBoard }}
- :not(pre) > code + span.copy-to-clipboard {
- display: none;
- }
+ </style>
+ <script>
+ {{ if or .Params.disableInlineCopyToClipBoard .Site.Params.disableInlineCopyToClipBoard }}
+ var isCodeToClipboardEnabled = false
+ {{ else }}
+ var isCodeToClipboardEnabled = true
{{ end }}
- </style>
+ </script>
{{ partial "custom-header.html" . }}
--- a/themes/learn/static/css/theme.css Sun Jan 20 22:30:59 2019 +0000
+++ b/themes/learn/static/css/theme.css Sun Jan 20 22:56:45 2019 +0000
@@ -622,18 +622,25 @@
code {
border-radius: 2px;
white-space: nowrap;
- color: #5e5e5e;
- background: #FFF7DD;
- border: 1px solid #fbf0cb;
+ color: whitesmoke;
+ background: #8451a1;
+ padding: 0px 6px;
+h1 code, h2 code, h3 code, h4 code, h5 code, h6 code, h7 code {
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ color: #8451a1;
+ background: #e2e2fd;
padding: 0px 2px;
code + .copy-to-clipboard {
- margin-left: -1px;
+ margin-left: -6px;
+ margin-top: -1px;
border-left: 0 !important;
font-size: inherit !important;
- vertical-align: middle;
- height: 21px;
+ height: 18px;
top: 0;
+ background-color: #8451a1;
pre {
padding: 1rem;
--- a/themes/learn/static/images/clippy.svg Sun Jan 20 22:30:59 2019 +0000
+++ b/themes/learn/static/images/clippy.svg Sun Jan 20 22:56:45 2019 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
-<svg height="1024" width="896" xmlns=""><path d="M128 768h256v64H128v-64zm320-384H128v64h320v-64zm128 192V448L384 640l192 192V704h320V576H576zm-288-64H128v64h160v-64zM128 704h160v-64H128v64zm576 64h64v128c-1 18-7 33-19 45s-27 18-45 19H64c-35 0-64-29-64-64V192c0-35 29-64 64-64h192C256 57 313 0 384 0s128 57 128 128h192c35 0 64 29 64 64v320h-64V320H64v576h640V768zM128 256h512c0-35-29-64-64-64h-64c-35 0-64-29-64-64s-29-64-64-64-64 29-64 64-29 64-64 64h-64c-35 0-64 29-64 64z"/></svg>
+<svg height="1024" width="896" xmlns="">
+ <path
+ stroke="white"
+ fill="white"
+ d="M128 768h256v64H128v-64zm320-384H128v64h320v-64zm128 192V448L384 640l192 192V704h320V576H576zm-288-64H128v64h160v-64zM128 704h160v-64H128v64zm576 64h64v128c-1 18-7 33-19 45s-27 18-45 19H64c-35 0-64-29-64-64V192c0-35 29-64 64-64h192C256 57 313 0 384 0s128 57 128 128h192c35 0 64 29 64 64v320h-64V320H64v576h640V768zM128 256h512c0-35-29-64-64-64h-64c-35 0-64-29-64-64s-29-64-64-64-64 29-64 64-29 64-64 64h-64c-35 0-64 29-64 64z"/>
--- a/themes/learn/static/js/learn.js Sun Jan 20 22:30:59 2019 +0000
+++ b/themes/learn/static/js/learn.js Sun Jan 20 22:56:45 2019 +0000
@@ -174,44 +174,47 @@
// clipboard
- var clipInit = false;
- $('code').each(function() {
- var code = $(this),
- text = code.text();
+ if (isCodeToClipboardEnabled) {
+ const elems = $('code')
- if (text.length > 5) {
- if (!clipInit) {
- var text, clip = new Clipboard('.copy-to-clipboard', {
- text: function(trigger) {
- text = $(trigger).prev('code').text();
- return text.replace(/^\$\s/gm, '');
- }
- });
+ if (elems.length) {
+ const clipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-to-clipboard', {
+ text: (trigger) =>
+ $(trigger).prev('code').text().replace(/^\$\s/gm, '')
+ });
- var inPre;
- clip.on('success', function(e) {
- e.clearSelection();
- inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE';
- $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', 'Copied to clipboard!').addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
- });
+ clipboard.on('success', (e) => {
+ e.clearSelection();
+ addToolTip(e, 'Copied to clipboard!')
+ });
+ clipboard.on('error', (e) => {
+ addToolTip(e, fallbackMessage(e.action))
+ $(document).one('copy', () => addToolTip(e, 'Copied to clipboard!'));
+ });
- clip.on('error', function(e) {
- inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE';
- $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', fallbackMessage(e.action)).addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
- $(document).one('copy', function(){
- $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', 'Copied to clipboard!').addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
- });
- });
+ elems.each(function () {
+ const code = $(this);
+ const isInHeading = code.parent().is('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7');
+ const isTooShort = code.text().length < 5
- clipInit = true;
+ if (!isInHeading && !isTooShort) {
+ code.after('<span class="copy-to-clipboard" title="Copy to clipboard" />');
+'.copy-to-clipboard').on('mouseleave', removeTooltip);
+ }
+ });
+ function removeTooltip() {
+ $(this).attr('aria-label', null).removeClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s tooltipped-w');
- code.after('<span class="copy-to-clipboard" title="Copy to clipboard" />');
-'.copy-to-clipboard').on('mouseleave', function() {
- $(this).attr('aria-label', null).removeClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s tooltipped-w');
- });
+ function addToolTip(e, message) {
+ var inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE';
+ $(e.trigger)
+ .attr('aria-label', message)
+ .addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's'));
+ }
- });
+ }
// allow keyboard control for prev/next links
jQuery(function() {