
Add links to our mastodon account

17 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Parents 0cc9c1a3b272
Children 8c8df4037f15
Add links to our mastodon account

The menu item is to allow us to verify that url on our Mastodon profile.

Testing Done:
Verified via `npm run hugo:server`

Reviewed at
--- a/hugo/config.toml Fri Oct 21 23:23:04 2022 -0500
+++ b/hugo/config.toml Thu Nov 24 01:11:59 2022 -0600
@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@
url = ""
weight = 1000
+ name = "<i class='fab fa-fw fa-mastodon'></i> Mastodon"
+ identifier = "mastodon"
+ url = ""
+ weight = 9000
+ [menu.shortcuts.params]
+ rel = "me"
--- a/hugo/content/contact/ Fri Oct 21 23:23:04 2022 -0500
+++ b/hugo/content/contact/ Thu Nov 24 01:11:59 2022 -0600
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
Of course we also have a presence on social media!
- [Facebook](
+ - [Mastodon](
- [Reddit](
- [Twitter](
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hugo/layouts/partials/menu.html Thu Nov 24 01:11:59 2022 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+<nav id="sidebar" class="{{if $.Site.Params.showVisitedLinks }}showVisitedLinks{{end}}">
+{{ $currentNode := . }}
+{{ $showvisitedlinks := .Site.Params.showVisitedLinks }}
+ <div id="header-wrapper">
+ <div id="header">
+ {{ partial "logo.html" . }}
+ </div>
+ {{if not .Site.Params.disableSearch}}
+ {{ partial "search.html" . }}
+ {{end}}
+ </div>
+ <div class="highlightable">
+ <ul class="topics">
+ {{if eq .Site.Params.ordersectionsby "title"}}
+ {{range .Site.Home.Sections.ByTitle}}
+ {{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks}}
+ {{end}}
+ {{else}}
+ {{range .Site.Home.Sections.ByWeight}}
+ {{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks}}
+ {{end}}
+ {{end}}
+ </ul>
+ {{ $disableShortcutsTitle := .Site.Params.DisableShortcutsTitle}}
+ {{with .Site.Menus.shortcuts}}
+ <section id="shortcuts">
+ <h3>{{ if not $disableShortcutsTitle}}{{ T "Shortcuts-Title"}}{{ end }}</h3>
+ <ul>
+ {{ range sort . "Weight"}}
+ <li>
+ {{ .Pre }}<a class="padding" {{ range $key, $value := .Params }}{{ safeHTMLAttr $key }}={{ safeHTML $value }} {{ end }}{{ printf "href=%q" .URL | safeHTMLAttr }}>{{ safeHTML .Name }}</a>{{ .Post }}
+ </li>
+ {{end}}
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ {{end}}
+ {{ if or .Site.IsMultiLingual $showvisitedlinks }}
+ <section id="prefooter">
+ <hr/>
+ <ul>
+ {{ if and .Site.IsMultiLingual (not .Site.Params.DisableLanguageSwitchingButton)}}
+ <li>
+ <a class="padding">
+ <i class="fas fa-language fa-fw"></i>
+ <div class="select-style">
+ <select id="select-language" onchange="location = this.value;">
+ {{ $siteLanguages := .Site.Languages}}
+ {{ $pageLang := .Page.Lang}}
+ {{ range .Page.AllTranslations }}
+ {{ $translation := .}}
+ {{ range $siteLanguages }}
+ {{ if eq $translation.Lang .Lang }}
+ {{ $selected := false }}
+ {{ if eq $pageLang .Lang}}
+ <option id="{{ $translation.Language }}" value="{{ $translation.Permalink }}" selected>{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
+ {{ else }}
+ <option id="{{ $translation.Language }}" value="{{ $translation.Permalink }}">{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ </select>
+ <svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
+ width="255px" height="255px" viewBox="0 0 255 255" style="enable-background:new 0 0 255 255;" xml:space="preserve">
+ <g>
+ <g id="arrow-drop-down">
+ <polygon points="0,63.75 127.5,191.25 255,63.75 " />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{end}}
+ {{ if $showvisitedlinks}}
+ <li><a class="padding" href="#" data-clear-history-toggle=""><i class="fas fa-history fa-fw"></i> {{T "Clear-History"}}</a></li>
+ {{ end }}
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ {{ end }}
+ <section id="footer">
+ {{ partial "menu-footer.html" . }}
+ </section>
+ </div>
+<!-- templates -->
+{{ define "section-tree-nav" }}
+{{ $showvisitedlinks := .showvisitedlinks }}
+{{ $currentNode := .currentnode }}
+{{ $currentFileUniqueID := "" }}
+{{ with $currentNode.File }}{{ $currentFileUniqueID = .UniqueID }}{{ end }}
+ {{with .sect}}
+ {{if and .IsSection (or (not .Params.hidden) $.showhidden)}}
+ {{safeHTML .Params.head}}
+ <li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" title="{{.Title}}" class="dd-item
+ {{if .IsAncestor $currentNode }}parent{{end}}
+ {{if eq .File.UniqueID $currentFileUniqueID}}active{{end}}
+ {{if .Params.alwaysopen}}parent{{end}}
+ ">
+ <a href="{{.RelPermalink}}">
+ {{safeHTML .Params.Pre}}{{or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title}}{{safeHTML .Params.Post}}
+ {{ if $showvisitedlinks}}
+ <i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>
+ {{ end }}
+ </a>
+ {{ $numberOfPages := (add (len .Pages) (len .Sections)) }}
+ {{ if ne $numberOfPages 0 }}
+ <ul>
+ {{ $currentNode.Scratch.Set "pages" .Pages }}
+ {{ if .Sections}}
+ {{ $currentNode.Scratch.Set "pages" (.Pages | union .Sections) }}
+ {{end}}
+ {{ $pages := ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "pages") }}
+ {{if eq .Site.Params.ordersectionsby "title"}}
+ {{ range $pages.ByTitle }}
+ {{ if and .Params.hidden (not $.showhidden) }}
+ {{else}}
+ {{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks }}
+ {{end}}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{else}}
+ {{ range $pages.ByWeight }}
+ {{ if and .Params.hidden (not $.showhidden) }}
+ {{else}}
+ {{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks }}
+ {{end}}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{end}}
+ </ul>
+ {{ end }}
+ </li>
+ {{else}}
+ {{ if not .Params.Hidden }}
+ <li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" title="{{.Title}}" class="dd-item {{if eq .File.UniqueID $currentFileUniqueID}}active{{end}}">
+ <a href="{{ .RelPermalink}}">
+ {{safeHTML .Params.Pre}}{{or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title}}{{safeHTML .Params.Post}}
+ {{ if $showvisitedlinks}}<i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>{{end}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{end}}
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}