
Add pgp public key and refer to it in our security disclosure method

The idea behind this is to make sure people that choose to use email to let us
known about a potential security issue in Pidgin encrypt the content of the
emails using a set of pgp keys of trusted Pidgin developers. For now we only
have the pgp key of grim but more keys can easily be added later on.

At the same time, since Hugo does not currently have a built-in shortcode for
linking directly to static resources, I had to add a new shortcode for doing so

Testing Done:
Ran `` and made sure content looked as intended and links worked.

Bugs closed: NEST-46

Reviewed at
title: IRC
date: 2019-06-05T00:20:19.000Z
weight: 40
lastmod: 2019-08-29T20:33:38.000Z
### How do I join a channel?
Create an IRC account and sign into it. After you've signed on, you can use the
_Buddies_ -> _Join a Chat_ menu option on the Buddy List window to join a
channel. In any window, either a conversation or a chat, in which your IRC user
is the sender, you can also use the `/join` command to connect to a new channel.
### Can I hide messages from NickServ, ChanServ, etc. on login?
See the next question.
### How do I automatically authenticate or identify on login?
Try the
[irchelper](https://{{< repo plugin-pack >}}src/default/irchelper/)
plugin from the {{< repo link="1" name="plugin-pack" >}}. This plugin provides
fields to enter the services bot's nickname and your services password. It
also automatically suppresses messages from the services bots sent on
connection. Note that this plugin _does_, in fact, work with Q on Quakenet,
and networks that use AuthServ, not just networks that use NickServ.
Alternatively, see the next question for a way using Pidgin's built in features.
### How do I authenticate/identify with a buddy pounce or send a message to a user on login?
Follow these steps:
* Create (if necessary) and enable your IRC account.
* Add the nick of the services bot to your buddy list using _Buddies_ ->
_Add Buddy_.
* Right-click the new buddy and click "Add Buddy Pounce" to create a new
* Make sure "Signs on" is the only checked box in the "Pounce When Buddy..."
* Make sure "Send a message" is checked under "Action".
* Enter the message, such as `identify mypassword` if you're trying to
* Ensure "Recurring" is checked beneath "Options" or the pounce will only
work once.
* Click "Save" to save the pounce.
Note that you do **_NOT_** include `/msg nickname` as part of the message in the pounce.
### Can I automatically join channels on login?
Absolutely. In the Buddy List window, select _Buddies_ -> _Add Chat_. Use this
dialog to add the chat to your buddy list. Once the chat appears in the buddy
list, right-click the chat and select "Auto-Join". The channel will autojoin
whenever you sign onto your IRC account.
### Is it possible to change the username that appears in username@hostname?
In the Buddy List window, select _Accounts_ -> your IRC account -> _Edit
Account_. Click the "Advanced" tab. Enter a name in the Username field.
### How can I set/change my real name?
In the Buddy List window, select _Accounts_ -> your IRC account -> _Edit
Account_. Click the "Advanced" tab. Enter a name in the Real Name field.
### Why does text display incorrectly?
IRC has no comprehension of character sets or encodings. It simply sends
(almost) any random chunk of data a user enters. Pidgin by default assumes
everything is UTF-8. If this is not the case, you will need to edit your account
(in the Buddy List window, select _Accounts_ -> your IRC account -> _Edit
Account_) and change the Encoding setting on the "Advanced" tab. You will need
to enter the correct encoding for your channels there. You can specify multiple
encodings in a comma-delimited list, such as `UTF-8,ISO-8859-15`, to cause
Pidgin to attempt multiple encodings. In this case, each encoding is tried in
succession until a successful decode happens or all encodings listed are
### How can I hide join/part messages?
In the Buddy List window, select _Tools_ -> _Plugins_. Find and checkmark
"Join/Part Hiding" and click the "Configure Plugin" button. Configure the
plugin as you like.