
Add pgp public key and refer to it in our security disclosure method

The idea behind this is to make sure people that choose to use email to let us
known about a potential security issue in Pidgin encrypt the content of the
emails using a set of pgp keys of trusted Pidgin developers. For now we only
have the pgp key of grim but more keys can easily be added later on.

At the same time, since Hugo does not currently have a built-in shortcode for
linking directly to static resources, I had to add a new shortcode for doing so

Testing Done:
Ran `` and made sure content looked as intended and links worked.

Bugs closed: NEST-46

Reviewed at
title: Contact
date: 2019-05-19T17:51:27.000Z
anchor: contact
weight: 100
- /about/community
lastmod: 2020-01-14T05:00:21.000Z
Pidgin is a huge project with a community that helps to provide support. We
have a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
## Chatrooms
If you prefer chat-based contact, the Pidgin community has a number of primary
chat resources where you can reach us.
- ``, a Jabber/XMPP MUC (Multi-User Chat) for
general discussion.
- ``, a Jabber/XMPP MUC (Multi-User Chat) for more
development-oriented discussion.
- `#pidgin` on `` on IRC for both general and development
discussion. Check out the [web chat](
to reach easily!
- The officially unofficial [Pidgin Discord](
If you don't already have an XMPP account, you can use our free
[PidginChat XMPP Service]({{<ref "/about/pidginchat">}}) to reach us there!
## Social Media
Of course we also have a presence on social media!
- [Facebook](
- [Reddit](
- [Twitter](
## E-mail
The Pidgin team can be reached via mailing lists for support and development
- []( ([List Info]( ([List Archive](
- []( ([List Info]( ([List Archive](
- We offer a few other mailing lists. [See the full list.](
## Security
If you need to reach us about a security issue, please see our [security]({{< ref "security" >}}) page.