
Create a short code fore repository and use it.

Due to the impending migration of all of our repos, I figured a short code
was a good way to make that migration have as little impact as possible on
nest as we now have one variable to flip. There's some other nastiness
that we'll have to deal with, but this gets the brunt of it.
other = "Download"
other = "Donate"
other = "Our Supporters"
other = "Project"
other = "Student"
other = "Mentor"
other = "Status"
other = "Name"
other = "Info"
other = "Maintainer"
other = "Repo"
other = "Trusted"
other = "What makes an author trusted you ask? Basically they've been working with us for a long time and they put out some great software!"
other = "Community"
other = "Created by the pidgin community"
other = "This page contains a list of plugins from trusted authors and the community. If you believe a plugin should be on this list, please get in touch with us or open a pull request with the update."
other = "Anon"
other = "Modified"
other = "License"
other = "Content"
other = "Theme"
other = "An ineffable file, immune to a past"