
Create a short code fore repository and use it.

Due to the impending migration of all of our repos, I figured a short code
was a good way to make that migration have as little impact as possible on
nest as we now have one variable to flip. There's some other nastiness
that we'll have to deal with, but this gets the brunt of it.
* Runs after Hugo has built the site
* * Cleans, Minifies and Optimises hugo output
* USAGE: node tools/pre-prod [path to hugo output]
* Imports
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const SVGO = require('svgo')
const { html: beautify_html } = require('js-beautify')
* Set Up
const target =
// looks for a path in first arg or default to `./public/`
path.join(__dirname, `..`, process.argv[2] || 'public') + path.sep
const svgo = new SVGO()
const xmlRegex = /\.(html|xml)$/
const jsonRegex = /\.json$/
const svgRegex = /\.svg$/
const htmlBeautifyOptions = { max_preserve_newlines: 0 }
* Execution
getFilePaths(target).forEach(path => {
if (path.match(xmlRegex)) {
} else if (path.match(jsonRegex)) {
} else if (path.match(svgRegex)) {
* File Handlers
* Format XML and HTML, removing hugo template artifacts,
* like whitespace chasms
* @param {string} path
function tidyXML(path) {
const data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
const formatted = beautify_html(data, htmlBeautifyOptions)
fs.writeFile(path, formatted, err => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Error Tidying ${path}`, err)
console.log(`Tidied path: ${path.replace(target, '')}`)
* Minify JSON
* @param {string} path
function minifyJSON(path) {
const data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
const formatted = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(data))
fs.writeFile(path, formatted, err => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Error minifying ${path}`, err)
console.log(`Minified path: ${path.replace(target, '')}`)
* Optimise SVG files
* @param {string} path
function optimiseSVG(path) {
const data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
.then(d => {
console.log(`Optimised: ${path.replace(target, '')}`)
.catch(err => console.log(`Error Optimising SVG ${path}`, err))
* Helpers
function getFilePaths(input) {
const items = readDir(input)
const ret = []
while (items.length) {
const item = items.pop()
const stat = fs.statSync(item)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
return ret
function readDir(item) {
return fs.readdirSync(item).map(i => path.join(item, i))