
Update for the 2.14.3 release

2021-04-09, Sorvival
Update for the 2.14.3 release

- Modify config.toml to use the new version
- Add notes for 2.14.3 to ChangeLog
- Add blog post for Pidgin 2.14.3

Testing Done:
ran `` and verified contents were the expected

Reviewed at
{{- if in (.Get 0) "/" -}}
{{- $paths := (split (.Get 0) "") -}}
{{- $pagepath := index $paths 0 -}}
{{- $anchor := index $paths 1 -}}
{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (trim $pagepath "/") -}}
{{- ( printf "%s%s" $pagepath $anchor ) | relLangURL -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (.Get 0) }}
{{- .URL -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- .Get 0 | relref .Page -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}