
Update for the 2.14.3 release

2021-04-09, Sorvival
Update for the 2.14.3 release

- Modify config.toml to use the new version
- Add notes for 2.14.3 to ChangeLog
- Add blog post for Pidgin 2.14.3

Testing Done:
ran `` and verified contents were the expected

Reviewed at
<a {{ with .Get "href" }} href="{{ . }}" target="_blank" {{ end }} class="btn btn-default">
{{ $icon := .Get "icon" }}
{{ $iconposition := .Get "icon-position" }}
{{ if ($icon) }}
{{ if or (not ($iconposition)) (eq $iconposition "left") }}
<i class="{{ $icon }}"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Inner }}
{{ if and ($icon) (eq $iconposition "right") }}
<i class="{{ $icon }}"></i>
{{ end }}