
Add a bunch of shortcodes to make life easier.

These will need to be abstracted a bit to handle other stuff like libgnt,
gplugin, talkatu, etc, but this is way easier to deal with than it was.

Testing Done:
Ran locally and verified all of the Sourceforge links are working.

Reviewed at
{{ range sort .Site.Data.gsoc "year" "desc" }}
<h3 id="gsoc-{{ .year }}">{{ .year }}</h3>
<th>{{ T "Project" }}</th>
<th>{{ T "Student" }}</th>
<th>{{ T "Mentor" }}</th>
<th>{{ T "Status" }}</th>
{{ range .participants }}
<td>{{ .project }}</td>
<td>{{ .student }}</td>
<td>{{ .mentor }}</td>
<td>{{ .status | markdownify }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}