
Add a bunch of shortcodes to make life easier.

These will need to be abstracted a bit to handle other stuff like libgnt,
gplugin, talkatu, etc, but this is way easier to deal with than it was.

Testing Done:
Ran locally and verified all of the Sourceforge links are working.

Reviewed at
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other = "Our Supporters"
other = "Project"
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other = "Status"
other = "Name"
other = "Type"
other = "Info"
other = "Maintainer"
other = "Repo"
other = "Trusted"
other = "What makes an author trusted you ask? Basically they've been working with us for a long time and they put out some great software!"
other = "Community"
other = "Created by the pidgin community"
other = "This page contains a list of plugins from trusted authors and the community. If you believe a plugin should be on this list, please get in touch with us or open a pull request with the update."
other = "Modified"
other = "License"
other = "Content"
other = "Theme"
other = "An ineffable file, immune to a past"