
Add a bunch of shortcodes to make life easier.

These will need to be abstracted a bit to handle other stuff like libgnt,
gplugin, talkatu, etc, but this is way easier to deal with than it was.

Testing Done:
Ran locally and verified all of the Sourceforge links are working.

Reviewed at
title: cve-2012-6152-00
date: 2012-01-28T00:00:00.000Z
cveNumber: cve-2012-6152
summary: Yahoo! remote crash from incorrect character encoding
discoveredBy: Thijs Alkemade and Robert Vehse
fixedInRelease: 2.10.8
type: security
layout: cve
hidden: true
### Description
Many places in the Yahoo! protocol plugin assumed incoming strings were UTF-8
and failed to transcode from non-UTF-8 encodings. This can lead to a crash when
receiving strings that aren't UTF-8.
### Mitigation
Depending on the context, either validate that a string is UTF-8 or transcode
the string from the appropriate encoding to UTF-8.